Siebel Marketing Guide > List Management >

Importing and Managing External Lists

External lists are created by importing an external file into your Siebel application using the List Import utility. Imported lists can come from any source, as long the list can be saved in one of the supported file formats, including Comma Separated, Tab Delimited, and Fixed Width. Common examples of list sources include rented or purchased lists from marketing bureaus, registration lists from trade shows or events, and output lists from other applications.

When you integrate Siebel Marketing or Siebel Campaigns with Siebel Data Quality (optional module), incoming records can be cleansed and matched against all existing contacts and prospects in the database. This helps prevent creation of duplicate records for incoming prospects that are already contacts. For information about Siebel Data Quality, see Siebel Data Quality Administration Guide.

To import and manage external lists, perform the following tasks:

 Siebel Marketing Guide 
 Published: 23 June 2003