Siebel Marketing Guide > List Management > Viewing and Maintaining Lists >

Deactivating Lists

Many times lists are acquired from outside sources such as other companies, Web sites, and events such as seminars and trade shows. Because this data typically represents prospective customers who are not active customers, you may wish to deactivate any remaining prospects who have not been promoted to contacts. Additionally, lists can be generated by different users for a specific campaign or business situation, so you may want to keep lists active only for a specified period of time.

NOTE:  To deactivate a list, change the values in the Status and Expiration Dates fields. navigate to the List Management screen and select the Lists view. In the Lists list, select the list you want to deactivate. In the Lists form, change the status to Inactive or set the expiration date. The expiration date is an information-only field and does not affect your use of the list.

 Siebel Marketing Guide 
 Published: 23 June 2003