Siebel Marketing Guide > Creating and Using Offers > Using Delivery Profiles - Email, eNewsletter, and Fax >

Creating a Delivery Profile

Use the following procedure to select a communications driver and create a profile for email, eNewsletter, and fax offers.

CAUTION:  If you want to send out HTML email offers, select a profile based on the Internet SMTP/POP3 Server driver. If you select a different driver, the HTML in your email may not be coded properly.

To create a delivery profile

  1. From the application-level menu, choose View > Site Map > Communications Administration > Communications Drivers and Profiles.
  2. In the Communications Drivers list, select a driver and click the Profiles view tab.
  3. For example, for email and eNewsletter offers, select Internet SMTP/POP3 Server.

  4. In the Profiles list, create a new record.
    1. In the Name field, type a name for the new profile.
    2. In the Organization field, accept the default organization, or click the select button and select another organization.
    3. In the Responsibilities field, click the select button, and in the Responsibilities list, select the responsibility associated with profile access.
    4. The Responsibilities field is used in conjunction with Siebel eMail Response. It does not apply to outbound email campaigns.

  5. Save the profile and click the Driver Parameters view tab.
  6. Edit the parameters for the profile and save the record.

 Siebel Marketing Guide 
 Published: 23 June 2003