Siebel Marketing Guide > Marketing Reference > Understanding Snapshot Generation Internal Processes >

Preparation for Building a Snapshot File—Rcontrol

The first process that the Marketing Server starts when you request snapshot generation is rcontrol. Rcontrol summarizes the definition and rules needed for generating the snapshot. Unless there is an error during this process, there is no need to track it. In the Marketing Server log file, the log information for this process is between sections Application Name - Control Snapshot and Application Name - Compute Snapshot.

Rcontrol creates a table called Control Table in the Siebel database. The name of the control table is created by adding the prefix C_ to the stage ID and removing the hyphen. For example, a snapshot with a stage ID of 1-K24GH has a control table named C_1K24GH.

This table contains the list of tables and columns required for snapshot generation and may be requested by Siebel Technical Support to troubleshoot certain errors. For more information about querying tables and columns required for the snapshot process, see Invalid Join Path.

 Siebel Marketing Guide 
 Published: 23 June 2003