Siebel Object Interfaces Reference > Interfaces Reference > Business Service Events >


The InvokeMethod event is called after the InvokeMethod method is called on a business service.

Server Script Syntax

Service_InvokeMethod(methodName, InputArguments, OutputArguments)

A string representing the name of the method to execute
A property set containing the arguments required by the method
A property set containing the arguments to be returned by the method

Browser Script Syntax

OutputArguments=oService.InvokeMethod(methodName, InputArguments)

A string representing the name of the method to execute
A property set containing the arguments required by the method
A property set containing the arguments to be returned by the method


Not applicable


Although this event does not return a value, it may add properties to, or alter the values of the properties in, the property set OutputArguments.

When you invoke business service methods through Browser Script, the business service may be implemented as a browser-based business service (written in JavaScript) or a server-based business service. Initially, the High Interactivity mode framework checks if the business service resides in the browser, and if it does not find it, it sends the request to the server for execution.

NOTE:  Browser Script may invoke a browser-based or server-based business service, but Server Script can only invoke a server-based business service.

NOTE:  Although the InvokeMethod function does not return a value in Server Script, it may modify the properties in the OutputArguments property set.

Used With

Browser Script, Server Script


This Browser Script example invokes the Shipping Engine business service created in Service_PreInvokeMethod in response to a button click. The InvokeMethod property on the Button is set to "CalcShipping". It gets values from the keyboard through prompts (JavaScript method), passes a property set to the service, and gets return values by means of another property set.

function Applet_PreInvokeMethod (name, inputPropSet)

   if (name == "CalcShipping") {
      var svc = theApplication().GetService("Shipping Engine");
      var inputs = theApplication().NewPropertySet();
      var outputs = theApplication().NewPropertySet();

      var size = prompt("Enter the sum of H+W+D in inches");
      var shipper = prompt("Enter the shipping company");
      var weight = prompt("Enter the shipping weight in pounds");

      with (inputs) {
         SetProperty ("Size", size);
         SetProperty ("Shipping Company", shipper);
         SetProperty ("Ship Method", shipMethod);
         SetProperty ("Weight", weight);

      outputs = svc.InvokeMethod("CalculateShipping", inputs);
      var cost = outputs.GetProperty("Cost");
      var delDate = outputs.GetProperty("Delivery Date");

      TheApplication().SWEAlert ("Shipping by " + shipper + ":\n Shipping Cost is " +
            cost + ",\n Estimated delivery date is " +

      return (CancelOperation);



      return (ContinueOperation);


See Also


 Siebel Object Interfaces Reference 
 Published: 18 June 2003