Object Types Reference > Siebel Object Types >

Menu Item

Siebel Object Types > Menu > Menu Item

Associates a Command object definition with a Menu Item object definition. This association places a menu whose invoked method is specified in the Command object definition on the specified menu in a given position.


Valid Values/Examples
Caption (O)
The text displayed in the menu.
Example: &Insert Record.
Command (O)
The name of the Command object definition that is to provide the method or accelerator for the menu item.
Example: Create Record.
Name (R)
The name of the menu item.
Example: Edit - Insert Record.
Position (R)
Identifies the ordinal position of the menu item. The top level positions are 1, 2, 3, and so on. The dot notation separates the ancestors of that menu item.
Example: 3.1.

See Also


 Object Types Reference 
 Published: 18 April 2003