Siebel Order Management Guide > Business Service Methods Reference > Product Manipulation Toolkit Business Service Methods >

Is Fully Exploded

This is one of the Product Manipulation Toolkit Business Service Methods.

It checks a product instance to determine if an explode operation is required, based upon the value specified by ExplodeOnField. If the field value is greater than one for any component of the product instance, the method returns N. Otherwise, the method returns Y.



[in] If supplied, only subcomponents of the root item specified by RootItemId are considered for Explode processing. (Optional)


[in] Field (name) that is checked to determine whether explosion is necessary. (Required)


[in] Comma separated list of integration component field names. (Optional)


[in] Comma separated list of values. Standard Siebel expressions (such as LookupValue) are supported in each comma separated value. (Optional)


[in] Product instance to be checked for explode processing. (Required)


[out] Y or N flag indicating whether the input SiebelMessage has been exploded or not. (Required)


Y or N.


Primarily used in the Apply Completed Service Order Line Item to Service Profile workflow, this method double checks to determine if the service order line items created from the Siebel database (earlier in the workflow) have been fully exploded or not. In other words, it determines whether all line items and the subcomponents were previously processed by the Explode method.

See Also

Methods Explode and Explode Siebel Object and workflow SIS OM Apply Completed Service Order Line Item to Service Profile.

 Siebel Order Management Guide 
 Published: 18 April 2003