Siebel Order Management Guide Addendum for Industry Applications > Business Service Methods Reference > Product Manipulation Toolkit Business Service Methods >

Retrieve Next Object From List

This is one of the Product Manipulation Toolkit Business Service Methods.

Given a hierarchical integration object with multiple root components at the second level (for example, Asset), this method returns an integration object that contains the header, one root component, its children and their attributes.



[in] Integration object containing multiple root integration components that are to be worked on. (Required)

Remaining Number of Objects

[out] Number of root integration components left in the input integration object. (Required)


[out] New instance of the integration object containing the next root integration component along with the same header from the input integration object instance. (Required)

Object Id

[out] Row Id of the business component that corresponds to the retrieved root integration component. (Optional)

Integration Id

[out] Integration Id of the business component that corresponds to the retrieved root integration component. (Optional)


This method can be called multiple times with the same input argument, each time it returns the next root component. And, it is used in conjunction with Update Multi Object List to form a loop control mechanism.

See Also

Methods Convert Product Instance, Get Instance and particularly, Update Multi Object List.

 Siebel Order Management Guide Addendum for Industry Applications 
 Published: 18 April 2003