Siebel Order Management Guide Addendum for Industry Applications > Business Service Methods Reference > Product Manipulation Toolkit Business Service Methods >

Explode Siebel Object

This is one of the Product Manipulation Toolkit Business Service Methods.

It functions like Explode except that it also loads the SiebelMessage integration object from the Siebel database with a specified business component and synchronizes it back to the database after the explosion.



[in] Name of the integration object representing the business component that will be exploded. (Required)


[in] Siebel object row ID of the business component that will be exploded. (Required)


[in] Root Item Id. Only the subcomponents of the root line item specified by the RootItemId are considered for Explode. (Optional)


[in] Value of the field specified by ExplodeOnField determines the number of instances created by Explode. For each new instance, the value of the ExplodeOnField is set to 1. (Required)


[in] Comma separated list of integration field names. An existing instance is exploded only if the conditions specified by ConditionFieldNames and ConditionValues are met.


[in] Comma separated list of condition values. Standard Siebel expressions (such as LookupValue) are supported in each comma separated value. An existing instance is exploded only if the conditions specified by ConditionFieldNames and ConditionValues are met.


[in] Name of the series of user properties that identify fields to exclude when the object instance is copied. The user property name is configurable and specified by ExclusionFieldsUserPropertyTag. (Optional)


[out] Product instance (integration object) representing the exploded business component. (Optional)

Is Exploded

[out] Status flag (Y or N) which indicates whether the SiebelMessage has been exploded or not. (Optional)


User Properties

This method has the following default user properties:

See Also

Methods Explode and Is Fully Exploded.

 Siebel Order Management Guide Addendum for Industry Applications 
 Published: 18 April 2003