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The Siebel Mobile Web Client

In addition to working directly through the Web in connected mode, it is possible for you and your partners to use your Siebel applications through the Siebel Mobile Web client. The Siebel Mobile Web client lets you or your partners work when you are disconnected from the Web and synchronize data with the rest of the Siebel database later.

This is useful if you or your partners want to work on a laptop when you are traveling and synchronize with the database when you return to the office.

When you set up mobile users, you must associate a routing model with each mobile user. The routing model describes the data that will be synchronized between the user's local database and the server database. For a Partner Manager user, be sure to use the routing model named Mobile Client - Standard. For a mobile Partner Portal user, use the routing model named Mobile Partner User. In addition, a mobile Partner Portal user should have only one responsibility, Partner User - Mobile, in order to prevent the mobile user from seeing views that contain data which is not synchronized.

For security purposes, mobile users of Partner Portal must have access to the brand owner's private network or connect through a virtual private network.

For more information about using the Siebel Mobile Web client, see Siebel Web Client Administration Guide.

 Siebel Partner Relationship Management Administration Guide 
 Published: 18 April 2003