Performance Tuning Guide > Tuning the Siebel Application Object Manager for Performance > Best Practices for AOM Tuning >

About Database Connections for AOM

This section provides an overview of database connections for your AOM components, including nonpooled connections and pooled connections. Subsequent sections describe how to configure database connection pooling.

NOTE:  It is assumed that your RDBMS has a sufficient total number of database connections. Performance on the RDBMS, and usage of database connections by other than AOM components, is outside the scope of this section.

About Nonpooled Database Connections

By default, AOM database connection pooling is disabled, and database connections have a direct correspondence to the AOM sessions.

During session login, a database connection is established, using the user's database credentials. (When an external authentication system is used, such as LDAP, the user's database credentials may not be the same as the user's Siebel credentials.) This database connection becomes bound to the session, and is the default connection used for read, write, update, and delete database operations.

If, during the session, specialized code is invoked that uses the external transaction management capabilities of the AOM, then a second database connection is opened for this specialized use. This specialized connection is also bound to the session, and is used for all externally controlled transactions performed by the session. Siebel eAI components are a typical example of specialized code that does external transaction management.

The default database connection and (if created) the specialized database connection are closed when the session terminates.

No special AOM configuration is required for managing nonpooled database connections.

About Pooled Database Connections

Optionally, you can configure two types of pooled database connections for your AOM components:

NOTE:  Shared database connection pooling configuration is sensitive to factors that include average think time and the usage of long-running queries. For more information, see Configuring Shared Database Connection Pooling.

 Performance Tuning Guide 
 Published: 24 October 2003