Siebel Personalization Administration Guide > Siebel Query Language > Functions >

Date and Time Functions

JulianDay ()
Equal to the Oracle (and Sagent) Julian Day for all dates in the 20th and 21st centuries. Assigns an absolute numeric value to every date so that calculations can be performed on dates.
JulianMonth ()
Equal to the JulianYear() * 12 + currentMonth, where January = 1.
JulianQtr ()
Equal to the JulianYear () * 4 + currentQuarter, where currentQuarter = [(currentMonth -1) / 3+1] rounded down to the next integer.
JulianWeek ()
JulianDay () / 7, rounded down to the next integer.
JulianYear ()
Equal to the current year + 4713.
Timestamp ()
Returns today's date and time.
For example: 2/15/2001 11:15:22
Today ()
Retuns the current date.
For example: 2/15/2001
UtcConvert (utc_date_time, time_zone
This function converts UTC datetime field value to local time.
For example:

UtcConvert("12/14/2000 5:07:05 PM", "Eastern Time")

returns "12/14/2000 05:07:05 PM"

 Siebel Personalization Administration Guide 
 Published: 18 April 2003