Pricing Administration Guide > Setting Up Attribute-Based Pricing >

The Process of Creating Attribute Pricing Tables

To define an attribute pricing table, you go through the following process:

  1. Creating the Attribute Pricing Table Header. The header includes general information about the attribute pricing table.
  2. Selecting Attributes That Will Trigger Price Adjustments. When you created the header, you specified the class that the attribute pricing table applies to. Next, you must specify the attributes in the class that will trigger pricing adjustments.
  3. Adding Adjustment Items. The adjustment items specify what price adjustment the attributes trigger.
  4. Attaching the Attribute Pricing Table to a Price List Line Item. After creating the attribute pricing table, you must apply it to a product in a price list.

After creating an attribute pricing table, review and test it to make sure that it adjusts prices as expected. For example, make sure that there are not multiple rows that apply different price adjustments based on the same product attribute.

NOTE:  This process describes how use the Adjustment Items form to create individual adjustment items. If you are creating a multiple-attributes table, you can also use the Adjustment Item Generator form to produce sets of adjustment items. To do that, see The Process of Creating Attribute Pricing Tables with the Adjustment Item Generator.

 Pricing Administration Guide 
 Published: 18 April 2003