Pricing Administration Guide > Using the Pricing Factor Flow Chart Designer >

Using the Pricing Factor Flow Chart Designer

You can define one decision flow logic path for single pricing factors beginning at the Start symbol, or one for aggregate pricing factors beginning at the Aggregate Start symbol, or one of each:

These two must be defined separately. When the pricing model runs, logic beginning at the Start symbol is executed first, and the logic beginning at the Aggregate Start symbol is executed afterwards.

For more information about using the Pricing Factor Flow Chart Designer, see About the Pricing Factor Flow Chart Designer.

The following instructions describe how to create one decision flow. You may also create two decision flows, one beginning with Start and one beginning with Aggregate Start.

CAUTION:  Connectors in the decision flow path beginning at the Start symbol must never lead to any factor in the flow path beginning at the Aggregate Start symbol, except the exit factor. Connectors in the decision flow path beginning at the Aggregate Start symbol must never lead to any factor in the flow path beginning at the Start symbol, except the exit factor.

The following general instructions about using the Pricing Factor Flow Chart Designer are valid for all pricing models.

To work with decision flow logic in the Pricing Factor Flow Chart Designer

  1. From the application-level menu, choose View > Site Map > Pricing Administration >Pricing Model Manager.
  2. The Pricing Model Manager list appears.

  3. In the Pricing Model Manager list, select the Pricing Model for which you want to define a pricing factor decision flow.
  4. If the Locked field of this pricing model record does not already have a check mark in it, click it to add the check mark to lock it.
  5. Click the Pricing Factor Flow Chart Designer view tab.
  6. The Pricing Factor Flow Chart Designer appears, with a palette area and a decision flow design area.

    NOTE:  Some pricing factors may be stacked on top of each other in the upper left corner of the design area. A pricing factor is located here by default if you create it with the Pricing Factor Designer.

  7. Drag and drop a Start symbol or an Aggregate Start symbol into the upper left corner of the decision flow design area.
  8. Drag and drop the Exit icon into the lower-right corner of the decision flow design area.
  9. Create pricing factors, as necessary, from within the Pricing Factor Flow Chart Designer.
    1. Drag and drop the factor icon into the design area to create an new pricing factor record. A system-generated default name appears on the factor.
    2. Double-click on the new factor symbol to open the corresponding new record in the Pricing Factor Designer list.
    3. In the new record in the Pricing Factor Designer list, enter at least the Name and Type of the Pricing Factor to identify it. You can complete its definition later.
    4. Reopen the Pricing Factor Flow Chart Designer.
    5. The new name appears on the factor symbol.

  10. Add a connector from the Start symbol to the first pricing factor to be executed.
    1. From the palette area, drag and drop the connector icon so that its left edge touches a connection point on the right side of the start symbol.
    2. If a connector is properly attached to a symbol, a red dot appears at the connection point.

    3. Click the connector to make a handle appear at the arrowhead of the connector, then drag this handle to a connector point on the first factor to be executed in the decision flow path.
  11. Attach connector symbols to each factor to link it to one or two other factors or to the Exit symbol.
    1. The first connector arrowhead that you attach to a factor is automatically labeled Y (Yes). Attach its arrowhead to the next factor to be fired if it fires.
    2. The second connector arrowhead that you attach to a factor is automatically labeled N (No). Attach its arrowhead to the next factor to be fired if it does not fire.
    3. NOTE:  Both the Y and the N connector can point to the same next factor.

  12. Adjust a connector if necessary by dragging it or by right-clicking it and using the menu to modify the connector line.
    1. Make sure that each connector is linked properly to a factor connection point at both ends and that you can clearly distinguish each Y connector and N connector.
    2. To divide a connector line into multiple segments and change its shape:
      • Right-click the connector and choose Edit > Add Point to add a handle to the connector line, which serves as a hinge or pivot point in the line.
      • Drag and drop the new handle to a new position in the design area.
      • You can repeat this process to divide a connector into multiple line segments.

 Pricing Administration Guide 
 Published: 18 April 2003