Pricing Administration Guide > Testing and Validating Pricing Models > The Process of Testing Pricing Models >

Using the Pricing Model Validation Views

The ePricer application provides two pricing model validation views: the Quote Pricing Model Validation view and the Order Pricing Model Validation view.

These views work in a similar manner, although they use slightly different sets of Siebel business components. Which one you select may depend on the business components used in a model's pricing factors. For example, if you need to test a pricing factor that uses a Order business component (that is, any business component that appears only in an order), then you must use the Order Pricing Model Validation View.

When you use these views, you generally should:

To test pricing factors using the Pricing Model Validation views

  1. From the application-level menu, choose View > Site Map > Pricing Administration > Pricing Model Manager > Pricing Model Manager.
  2. Make sure the pricing model that contains the pricing factors to be tested is locked. If it is not, lock it by clicking its Locked check box.
  3. Click the Pricing Factor Designer view tab and, in the Pricing Factor designer list, use the Active check box to activate the pricing factor or factors to be tested and deactivate those that are not to be tested.
  4. Click the More Info view tab.
  5. In the Pricing Model Manager list, click the menu button, and then click Reload.
  6. The current version of the selected Pricing Model is reloaded into the cache, overwriting any existing cache for the model. To avoid overwriting the cache used to serve runtime users with a test model, follow the advice in Reloading the Pricing Model for Testing Purposes.

  7. From the Show drop-down menu, select either Quote Pricing Model Validation or Order Pricing Model Validation.
  8. Enter test data for a quote or an order.
  9. In the Test Quotes Lines Items view tab, click Reprice (or, if you are testing an aggregate type pricing factor, click Reprice All).
  10. Review the pricing results to verify that the pricing factor was applied properly.

 Pricing Administration Guide 
 Published: 18 April 2003