Product Administration Guide > Mapping eConfigurator 6.x Features
to Release 7.x

Working with Properties

The properties feature has been replaced in release 7.x with attributes. Attributes are product characteristics that are defined for product classes. All products belonging to a class inherit the attributes of the class. Subclasses inherit the attributes of the parent class. You put products into the class hierarchy by assigning a class name in the product record. Attributes cannot be defined directly on a product. They must be inherited from the class to which the product belongs.

When you define an attribute, you can define the allowed values for the attribute. You can specify the allowed values, called an attribute domain, using a list of values or a range of values. The administrator can then set this value for an individual product so that it cannot be changed by the user.

Defining an attribute and setting its value so that it cannot be changed is functionally equivalent to defining a property and assigning it a value in 6.x.

 Product Administration Guide 
 Published: 23 June 2003