Product Administration Guide > Multilingual Data >

Translating an Attribute List of Values

For attributes with a list of values domain, you can translate the list of values name and the attribute values. You do this by specifying language name and other information when you define the list of values name and the associated attribute value records.

For example, you define a list of values called Color. It has three values, Red, Green, Blue. Your base language is English and you want to translate the list of values to French.

When you define the list of values in the List of Values dialog box, you would place a check mark in the Multilingual field. In the List of Values list, you would first define three records, one for each color, and specify English-American as the language. You would choose Color as the Type. In the Display Value and Language independent Code fields, you would enter the color name in English: Red, Green, and Blue respectively.

Then you would create three additional records, one for each color. You would choose Color as the Type. In the Language Independent Code field, you would enter Red, Green, Blue. In the Language Name field, you would choose French. In the Display Value field, you would enter Rouge, Vert, and Bleu as the Display Value respectively.

For additional information on creating and managing multilingual lists of value (MLOVs), see Global Deployment Guide.

 Product Administration Guide 
 Published: 23 June 2003