Product Administration Guide > Smart Part Numbers >

Creating Predefined Part Numbers

To create predefined part numbers, you create a matrix that contains one row for each possible combination of attribute values. The last entry in the row is the part number you want to assign to this combination. You can create the matrix manually, or the system can generate it automatically.

When the system generates the matrix, it assigns a random part number to each combination. You can accept this part number or replace it with one of your own.

When the user configures the product, the system searches the matrix for the combination of attribute values the user has chosen and assigns the corresponding part number to the product.

Only attributes with a list of values (LOV) domain can be used to create predefined part numbers. Before creating part numbers using this method, determine which combinations of attribute values are allowable. Assign part numbers only to these combinations.

Creating predefined part numbers is a process that is made up of the following tasks:

These tasks are described below.

To create a part number generation record

  1. Navigate to Application Administration > Class Administration and query for the desired product class.
  2. Click Part Number Definitions.
  3. Click New to create a new record.
  4. In the Name field, enter a name for the part number generation method.
  5. This name should be unique and should indicate whether the method is dynamic or predefined.

  6. In the Type field, from the menu, choose Predefined. Then step off the record.

The next step is to select the desired attributes.

To select the desired attributes

  1. In the part number definition Name field, click the name you entered.
  2. The name is a hyperlink. The Part Number Method view appears.

  3. In the Attributes list, click New.
  4. Open the drop-down menu in the new record and choose the desired attribute.
  5. Repeat these steps until you have added all the attributes that you want to use for defining part numbers.

The last step is to generate a part number matrix.

To create the part number matrix

  1. Click Attribute Matrix.
  2. Attribute Matrix displays the part number matrix. There is one column for each attribute you selected. There is also a Part Number column and a Description column.

  3. To generate the matrix automatically, click the menu button and choose Generate Part Numbers.
  4. The system creates one record for each possible combination of attribute values. The system also generates a random part number for each combination.

    You can also create the matrix manually by clicking New and creating a record for each desired attribute combination.

  5. Review the matrix and verify that it is structured correctly.
  6. If you have not specified the correct attributes, click Attributes. Then add or subtract attributes as needed before regenerating the matrix.

  7. Edit the part number for each attribute combination as desired.
  8. You can either accept the randomly generated part numbers or enter the desired part numbers. You can also enter a description for each combination. Users do not see the description.

  9. To add records, click New.
  10. Enter an attribute value for each attribute, and enter a part number.

  11. Delete records for unneeded attribute combinations as desired.

The last step is to test the part number matrix. You do this by creating a quote and selecting the product for which you have created a smart part number method. See Viewing a Product's Smart Part Number in a Quote.

 Product Administration Guide 
 Published: 23 June 2003