Siebel Reports Administration Guide > Master-Detail Reports > Example—Creating a Master-Detail Report >

Adding Frame, Data Control, and Label Elements to the Design

Many of these elements will be obtained from two custom component libraries, one of which you have already created.

To add frame, data control, and label elements

  1. Click the library browser button and in the Choose Included Module dialog box, select sssrvreq.rol.
  2. Drag and drop the ssFrmHeadSection library component onto the Before child slot of the group section, ssGrpAccount.
  3. Collapse the component subtree for ssFrmHeadSection by clicking its minus-sign icon.
  4. Component subtrees for headers and detail rows are distracting in expanded format and should be collapsed for visual clarity and ease of navigation.

  5. Drag and drop the ssFrmContactBefore library component onto the page header child slot of the contact subreport section, ssRptContact, then collapse the component subtree for ssFrmContactBefore.
  6. Close the Library Browser window, and choose Tools > Library Organizer.
  7. Select ssOppt.rol in the ...\enu\library folder.

    If your installation uses a non-English version of Siebel eBusiness Applications, you do not have an \enu folder. Instead, you have a folder in the appropriate language code for your installation, such as \deu for Germany.

    See Global Deployment Guide for a list of three-letter International Standards Organization (ISO) language extensions.

    This custom component library is used in opportunity reports; it has the page header and detail line needed for the opportunity subreport you are creating.

  8. Drag and drop the ssOppHeader library component onto the page header child slot of the opportunity subreport section, ssRptOpportunity, then collapse the component subtree for ssOppHeader.
  9. Drag and drop the ssOppRowNoAddress library component onto the Content child slot of the opportunity subreport section, ssRptOpportunity, then collapse the component subtree for ssOppRowNoAddress.
  10. Close the Library Browser window.

  11. Locate and expand the page header child frame of the ssRptOpportunity report section, then subclass this page header frame (ssOppHeader) and rename it ssFrmOpportunityPage.
  12. You need to make some modifications to this page header.

  13. Select the ssTxtOPPTHeadM child data control of ssFrmOpportunityPage and delete it.
  14. Open the sscustom.rol library and drag and drop the ssLblSectionHead component from the Library Browser window onto the ssFrmOpportunityPage page header.
  15. Rename the new section head label ssLblOpportunityHead, then resize and reposition the header label so that it is comparable to the one for contacts.
  16. Close the Library Browser window.

  17. Select the ssFrmOPSTATEHeader content frame in ssFrmOpportunityPage, then subclass it and rename it ssFrmOpportunityHeader.
  18. Expand ssFrmOpportunityHeader to show its child label components.
  19. You will delete the account label from this header and the detail data row that appears beneath it because the account is already displayed in the master report.

  20. Select the ssLblAccount label child of ssFrmOpportunityHeader and delete it.
  21. Subclass each of the remaining label children of ssFrmOpportunityHeader and drag them to the left to fill up the space emptied by deleting ssLblAccount.
  22. By clicking each label in the opportunity header while holding down SHIFT, you can create a grouping of labels that you can drag to the left together, maintaining the distances between them and saving time.

  23. Collapse the ssFrmOpportunityPage component tree.
    1. Expand the ssOpRowNoAddress content frame child of ssRptOpportunity.
    2. Subclass ssOpRowNoAddress and rename it ssOpportunityContent.
    3. You will now delete the account data control and reposition the other data controls to fill the empty space.
  24. Select the ssTxtOPSTATEAccount data control and delete it.
  25. Subclass each of the remaining data control children of ssFrmOpportunityRow and SHIFT-click each of them in the layout pane (except the name control). Drag them to the left to fill up the space emptied by deleting ssTxtOPSTATEAccount.
  26. Make sure that the data controls line up with the header labels above them.
  27. Make sure that the PageBreakBefore property of the group section (ssGrpAccount) is TRUE and that its PageBreakAfter property is FALSE. Also make sure that the PageBreakBefore and PageBreakAfter properties of the ssRptContact and ssRptOpportunity subreport sections are all set to FALSE.
  28. If you wanted the subreport sections on their own pages, you would set PageBreakBefore to TRUE in the respective subreport sections. With the FALSE settings in all four subreport page break properties, there are no page breaks except between accounts.

  29. Open the Properties window for the top-level report design component, Acopcon, and set the ssReportTitle property to Account - Opportunities/Contacts Detail.

 Siebel Reports Administration Guide 
 Published: 18 July 2003