Siebel Reports Administration Guide > Upgrade Instructions for Siebel 7.5.3 > Migrating Pre-Siebel 6 Custom Reports to the Siebel Reports Server >

About Method Name Prefixing

Methods on business components, fields, business objects, and application servers can no longer be affixed to object variables, separated by a period. These object variables are now integer reference variables, as previously described. New stand-alone methods provided in sssiebel.bas perform the same functions previously performed by object methods. These have the same names as in the Siebel Object Interfaces, but are prefixed with ssBusComp, ssBusObj, or ssModel.

Using ssBusComp as the Prefix for Business Component Variables

Whenever an API method makes use of business component variables or names, a substitute method with a prefix of ssBusComp is used. For example, FirstRecord becomes ssBusCompFirstRecord, SuppressNotification becomes ssBusCompSuppressNotification, and so on. For example,

theBC.FirstRecord (errCode)

changes to

ssBusCompFirstRecord (theBC)

Methods with an argument list lose the errCode argument at the end of the list and acquire the business component integer argument at the beginning. For example,

theBC.GetFieldValue ("City", errCode)

changes to

ssBusCompGetFieldValue (theBC, "City")

A reference to a specific business component, such as a business component variable, is moved into the argument list as the first argument, as follows:

ssOpportunity.SuppressNotification (errCode)

changes to

ssBusCompSuppressNotification (ssOpportunity)

Field methods adopt the ssBusComp prefix as well. A first argument is added for the field name, and the errCode argument is dropped. For example,

ssAccount.SetSearchExpr (searchSpec, errCode)

changes to

ssBusCompSetSearchExpr (ssAccount, searchSpec)


ssAccount.SetViewMode (ssReport::ssViewMode, errCode)

changes to

ssBusCompSetViewMode (ssAccount, CInt (ssReport::ssViewMode))

This latter example illustrates the setting of the view mode (visibility). The view mode can be explicity set to user view, manager view, and so on. For more information, refer to SetViewMode in the Siebel Object Interfaces Reference. The ssBusCompSetViewMode function expects the ssViewMode value in integer format, but the parameter in ssReport is a string and it needs to be converted.

Using ssModel as the Prefix for AppServer-Related Methods

AppServer-related methods are prefixed by ssModel. The errCode argument is removed, and the application server name or variable becomes the new first argument. For example,

ssAppServer.ActiveBusObject (errCode)

changes to

ssModelActiveBusObject (ssAppServer)


ssAppServer.GetBusObject (ssReport::ssBusObjectName, errCode)

changes to

ssModelGetBusObject (ssAppServer, ssReport::ssBusObjectName)

Using ssBusObj as the Prefix for Business Objects

The names of methods related to business objects are prefixed by ssBusObj. The errCode argument is removed, and the business object name or variable becomes the new first argument. For example,

busObjName = ssBO.Name (errCode)

changes to

busObjName = ssBusObjGetName (ssBO)


ssBO.GetBusComp ("Account", errCode)

changes to

ssBusObjGetBusComp (ssBO, "Account")

Replacing InvokeMethod for use with Business Component

InvokeMethod is replaced by ssBusCompInvokeMethod when it is used by a business component. It is replaced by ssModelInvokeMethod when it is used by appServer or ssAppServer. Also, in both cases, the errCode parameter is no longer used.

For an invoked method on a business component,

theBC.InvokeMethod ("Account Status", errCode)

changes to

ssBusCompInvokeMethod (theBC, "Account Status")

For an invoked method on the application server,

AppServer.InvokeMethod (parameters)

changes to

ssModelInvokeMethod (parameters)

 Siebel Reports Administration Guide 
 Published: 18 July 2003