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Basic Search Techniques

Basic Siebel Search supports a variety of search techniques. These techniques allow you to refine your search operations. For more information on setting up and administering basic Siebel Search default techniques see Search Execution Settings.

Single Term Searches

This search technique allows you to enter a single keyword and receive results based on that term.

For example: If you enter the word computer, results which contain the word computer will be returned.

Multiple Terms Searches

This search technique allows you to enter two or more keywords with spaces. Here the default Search Term Separator is assumed to be OR.

For example: If you enter the text computer windows server, it will translate, when you run the search, as computer OR windows OR server. The returned results will include records that contain one of more of these terms. This differs from the operator AND, in that, the separator AND makes sure that records returned will contain all search terms.

For a list of multiple term search terms see Search Query Examples.

For information on how to change or set the default search term separator see Search Execution Settings.

Phrase Searches

This search technique allows you to conduct a search for records where a chosen phrase is contained.

For example: if you enter the phrase "computer science" (quotes included) records containing the word computer followed by a space, then the word science will be returned.

Wildcard Searches

This search technique allows you to find pages containing words similar to a given word. You use the wildcard character either to represent a single character, or an optional sequence of characters.

For example: if you enter comput*, the search will return words that have the same prefix comput, such as computer, computing, and so on.

For a list of wildcard symbols see Search Query Examples.

Special Character Searches

This search technique allows you to use special characters other than those provided by wildcard searches.

For example: If you search for the word on?line the search would return matches to online, on;line, on.line, on line, on-line, and so on.

For a list of special characters see Search Operators and Connectives.

 Siebel Search Administration Guide 
 Published: 19 June 2003