Siebel Search Administration Guide > Installing Siebel Search Under Windows >

Preinstallation Checklist

Before you can proceed with your installation, you should decide on the following issues. The following table provides a list of questions and a column for your answers.

Will the installation be for a Search Server or for a Remote Search Server?
Is this the only Search Server in your Siebel install, or will you be using multiple Search Servers?
Do you have a good understanding of the load on your system, once Search is deployed? Predetermining users and servers, will allow you to estimate the amount of memory, disk space and processor power required to optimize the Search Server performance.
What languages do you want to support in your searches?
Are there any configuration changes you plan to make to Hummingbird?
Are you going to use Siebel Advanced Search?
If you are using Siebel Advanced Search, are you going to customize the thesaurus and the character variant files?
What applications will you be using Siebel Search with?
Will you be installing Siebel Search for mobile client searching?
What operating system will you be using?
What application server operating system will you be using?
What database system will you be using?
If you are upgrading from a previous release of Siebel Search, you will need to rebuild your indices.
If you are upgrading from a previous release of Siebel Search you will need to rebuild your search index structure using Siebel Tools.

 Siebel Search Administration Guide 
 Published: 19 June 2003