Siebel Server Administration Guide > Using Siebel Diagnostic Data Collector >

Configuring the Siebel Diagnostic Data Collector Under Windows

The Siebel Diagnostic Data Collector can be configured to modify or enhance the amount of information collected during a Siebel Diagnostic Data Collector execution. A Siebel Diagnostic Data Collector configuration file is required by Siebel Diagnostic Data Collector to record any configurations to the output. The configuration file is then referenced during the Siebel Diagnostic Data Collector execution. By default, a configuration file is not included with the Siebel Diagnostic Data Collector utility. It is recommended that you contact Siebel Technical Support before using configuration files. Siebel Technical Support provides configuration files based on the specific information required.

NOTE:  Configuration files are not used with the UNIX Siebel Diagnostic Data Collector utility.

The Siebel Diagnostic Data Collector configuration file is divided into sections that can be used to configure the type of information and log files collected by the utility. Edit the configuration file with a text editor. See Table 48 for Siebel Diagnostic Data Collector configuration file parameters.

Table 48.  Siebel Diagnostic Data Collector Configuration File and Parameters
Specifies the directory location for the creation of the Siebel Diagnostic Data Collector directory and output files.
Specifies whether log files are collected.
Specifies whether log archive files are collected.
Specifies whether crash files are collected.
Specifies whether dump files are collected.
Specifies whether assert and prefer files are collected.
Specifies a registry key for collection.
Specifies a registry key for collection.
Specifies a registry key for collection.
Specifies the start date for a range of crash files to collect.
Specifies the end date for a range of crash files to collect.
Specifies the crash file extensions to collect.
Specifies the start date for a range of dump files to collect.
Specifies the end date for a range of dump files to collect.
Specifies the dump file extensions to collect.
Specifies the start date for a range of assert files to collect.
Specifies the end date for a range of assert files to collect.
Specifies the assert file extensions to collect.
Specifies the start date for a range of log files to collect.
Specifies the end date for a range of log files to collect.
Specifies the log file extensions to collect.
Specifies that Siebel Diagnostic Data Collector collects log archive files from the NumArchives directory.
Specifies the archive directories for collection.

Parameter Configuration Details

The parameters MaxNumFiles, StartDate, EndDate, and MatchingFiles, which appear in several Siebel Diagnostic Data Collector configuration file sections, have common configuration details. See Table 49 for these details.

Table 49.  Common Parameter Configuration Details
Common Parameters
Configuration Details
Set this parameter to collect only the latest number of files. If MaxNumFiles is set, do not set the parameters StartDate and EndDate.
StartDate, EndDate

Set these parameters to specify collection of data between the two dates. If StartDate and EndDate are set, do not set the parameter MaxNumFiles. Configure the dates in the following format:



dd = Integer of the date ranging from 01 to 31.

Month_Acronym = A three-letter month acronym as follows: Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec.

yyyy = Integer of the year.

Another valid configuration selection for the StartDate and EndDate parameters is NONE. If NONE is entered for StartDate and a valid date is entered for EndDate, files prior to the end date are collected. If NONE is entered for EndDate and a valid date is entered forStartDate, files from the start date to the current date are collected.


Set this parameter to collect multiple file formats using a comma-delimited list. Wildcard characters are also applicable. For example, to collect files containing siebmtsh in the filename with the extension .dmp and files of the type siebmtshmw5409.dmp, enter:


 Siebel Server Administration Guide 
 Published: 23 June 2003