Siebel Developer's Reference > Siebel Tools Menus and Toolbars > Menus >

Debug Menu

The Debug menu options control the Siebel VB or Siebel eScript debugger, for use when a script is open in the Siebel Script Editor:

Starts the application. A dialog box with startup parameters also appears.
Stops the execution of the currently running script. If Siebel VB or Siebel eScript is not executing, no operation is performed.
Stops the execution of the application and returns to the Siebel Script Editor window.
Restarts the application if a break has occurred.
Step Into
Executes the next line of script code. If this is a subroutine or procedure call, then execution will continue within that procedure.
Step Over
Advances the application to the script code line just after the current subroutine or procedure. Execution remains at the level of the current procedure.
Step To Cursor
Executes all lines of code up to the line selected by the cursor.
Toggle Breakpoint
Sets or removes a breakpoint on a specific line of code.
Clear All Breakpoints
Removes all breakpoints from the current script routine.
Check Syntax
Compiles the current script and verifies syntax.

 Siebel Developer's Reference 
 Published: 23 October 2003