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About Layout Control

To enable user layout control, Siebel ERM includes a SWE tag <swe:layout> and supporting view and applet control attributes and objects in Siebel Tools.

Siebel Web Template Files (SWT) are located in the WEBTEMPL directory of your Siebel Server installation directory.


To reorder and hide applets. The swe:layout tag is used to conditionally determine the HTML content that will be displayed, based on the current view layout mode and layout preferences.


<swe:layout viewDisplayMode="xxx" appletDisplayMode="xxx" appletDisplaySize="xxx" />


viewDisplayMode. This is optional. It can have the value "Layout" or "Show." If viewDisplayMode is "Layout," the tag will be shown only if the user is in "Edit View Layout" mode. If viewDisplayMode is "Show," the tag will be shown only if the user is not in "Edit View Layout" mode. If viewDisplayMode is not specified, the tag will be shown whether the user is in "Edit View Layout" mode or not.

appletDisplayMode. This is optional. It can have the value "Show" or "Hide." If appletDisplayMode is "Show," the tag will be shown only if the applet is visible. If appletDisplayMode is "Hide," the tag will be shown only if the applet is hidden. If appletDisplayMode is not specified, the tag will be shown regardless of applet visibility.

appletDisplaySize. This is optional. It can have the value of "Min" or "Max." If appletDisplaySize is "Min," the tag will be shown only if the applet is minimized. If appletDisplaySize is "Max," the tag will be shown only if the applet is maximized. If appletDisplaySize is not specified, the tag will be shown regardless of applet display size.


When using the <swe:layout> tag, at least one of the attributes must be specified.

 Siebel Developer's Reference 
 Published: 23 October 2003