Siebel Developer's Reference > User Properties >

Sequence Field

Parent Object Type
Business Component
Used in configuring a sequence field to create a sequential auto-generating line number on new record and copy record events. A sequence business component must be defined in the business object.
Set the Name property value to Sequence Field.
Set the Value property to Line Number. The value of Line Number references the DTYPE_NUMBER field named Line Number that holds the resulting sequence value.
Set the Insert Position property to LAST for the applets that display records from the numbered detail business component.
NOTE: In older versions of Siebel applications, if this property was left blank, it defaulted to LAST. In Siebel 6.0 and higher versions, it does not default to LAST; leaving this property blank could cause unexpected behavior in the line numbers generated in the applet.
Functional Area
Where Documented
Siebel Tools Reference

 Siebel Developer's Reference 
 Published: 23 October 2003