Upgrade Guide for UNIX > Upgrading the Siebel eBusiness Application > Performing a Repository Merge >

Conflict Resolution for the Repository Merge

CAUTION:  Repository merge procedures only apply to development environment upgrades. If you are performing a production environment upgrade, skip to Upgrading the Custom Database Schema.

Reviewing Object Attribute Differences

Object attribute differences are shown in the Attribute Differences applets of the Application Upgrades Object List and Application Upgrades Attributes List views. The Object List view shows the differences for the currently selected object; the Attributes List view shows differences for all objects. You need to review any attribute differences that have a check mark in the Conflict column.

In either view, query all entries that have a check mark in the Conflict column, and ignore attributes of the following types:

  • Left
  • Right
  • Top
  • Height
  • Width


These are screen layout attributes that can be detected when running the Siebel client and corrected after you have completed the upgrade process.

The Resolution column shows whether the Standard Value (shown in the "In Prior x.x Siebel Repository" column) or the Custom Value (shown in the "Prior Customer Repository" column) was used as the object attribute in the New Customer Repository.

You can change the resolution for any conflict by entering a check mark for the Override flag. This automatically sets the attribute in the New Customer Repository to the opposite value.

CAUTION:  Do not rerun the repository merge into the New Customer Repository after entering the Override flag check mark. Running the merge again removes the Override attribute.

You can override attribute differences only as long as each repository used during the merge process remains in its current state in the database server. Resolve all attribute conflicts before continuing with the upgrade process.

Examples of Conflict Resolution

The following examples demonstrate how conflicts are resolved during the merge.

A customer change that would be preserved by the merge. If the value in Prior Customer Repository is unique, and the values in Prior Siebel Repository and New Siebel Repository are the same, the customer change is preserved in the New Customer Repository.

For example, if the following statements are true,

Prior Siebel Repository has value 50 for the property height of applet X
Prior Customer Repository has value 25 for the property height of applet X
New Siebel Repository has value 50 for the property height of applet X

then the value of 25 is set in the New Customer Repository.

A customer change that would be overridden by the merge. If the values in all three repositories are different, then the default value from the previous release was changed by the customer, but also changed in the new release. The two updated values result in a conflict. In 90% of cases where there is a conflict, the value from New Siebel Repository overrides the value in the Prior Customer Repository.

For example, if the following statements are true,

Prior Siebel Repository has value 20 for the property height of applet X
Prior Customer Repository has value 25 for the property height of applet X
New Siebel Repository has value 50 for the property height of applet X

then the value from the New Siebel Repository is merged into the New Customer Repository.

Certain attributes determine the 10% of cases where the value from the Prior Customer Repository overrides the value in the New Siebel Repository. View the attribute under object type Type in Tools.

CAUTION:  If the StandardWins flag is set to N, then the Prior Customer Repository value is chosen. The StandardWins settings delivered "out-of-the-box" are highly recommended. Avoid changing the StandardWins settings.

 Upgrade Guide for UNIX
 Published: 20 October 2003