Upgrade Guide for UNIX > Upgrading the Siebel eBusiness Application > Upgrading the Custom Database Schema >

Reviewing the Upgrade Log Files

The Release 7.5.3 Siebel Upgrade Wizard generates all log files for a given process in a single directory, $SIEBEL_ROOT/siebsrvr/log/PROCESS (where PROCESS defaults to UPGRADEOPTION_ENVIRONMENT_VERSION).

For example, all log files for a development environment upgrade of the custom database schema from Release 6.0.1 appear in the following log directory: $SIEBEL_ROOT/siebsrvr/log/upgphys_dev_601. You can select an alternate process directory at the Log Output Directory prompt in the Database Server Configuration Utility.

NOTE:  If you are upgrading to a version prior to Release 7.5.3, the log files are located in the $SIEBEL_ROOT/siebsrvr/log directory.

These log files may include errors that are expected and benign. Acceptable errors are documented in the errors.rtf file located in the DBSRVR_ROOT/PLATFORM directory. Before you proceed with the upgrade, you must review the log files carefully for unacceptable errors. Subsequent log files are created when the upgrade wizard encounters a problem and the user attempts a retry.

To review the log files, see Reviewing the Upgrade Log Files.

CAUTION:  Do not proceed with the upgrade until unacceptable errors have been corrected. If you cannot correct the error, contact Siebel Technical Support or Professional Services to report the error in detail.

 Upgrade Guide for UNIX
 Published: 20 October 2003