Siebel Universal Queuing Administration Guide > Using Siebel Universal Queuing > Creating Routes and Escalations >

Defining a Route Escalation

Once a route is selected for a work item based on its route properties, the escalation component of the rule determines how the work item is routed. Every route must have one or more escalation steps. Each escalation step consists of one or more skill requirements and a wait time.

Siebel Universal Queuing will attempt to find a suitable agent for the work item based on the first escalation step (or set of skill requirements). If a suitable agent cannot be found to handle the work item before the escalation step's wait time has elapsed, then the next escalation step will be evaluated. If you enter 0 as the wait time, the work item will remain in this escalation step until an agent becomes available.

When the wait time for the last escalation step in a route expires, a warning alarm is generated and logged. Therefore, the last escalation step should have skill requirements that are general enough to handle any work items for this route.

To create a route escalation

  1. From the application-level menu, choose View > Site Map > UQ Administration > Routes.
  2. The Routes view appears.

  3. Select the route for which you are adding an escalation.
  4. Click the Escalations view tab.
  5. The Escalations list appears.

  6. Type a name for the escalation in the Escalation Name field.
  7. Type the number of minutes in the Time Out field.
  8. This is the number of minutes to wait for an available agent. If no available agent is found within this time, the next escalation is applied.

  9. Type a number in the Order field representing the order in which this escalation is to be applied.
  10. NOTE:  The order number specified for each escalation must be unique in order to guarantee that all escalations are applied in the intended sequence.

  11. Create escalation rules, as described in Creating Route Escalation Rules.

 Siebel Universal Queuing Administration Guide
 Published: 18 April 2003