Siebel Wireless Administration Guide > Configuring Siebel Wireless > Configuring Siebel Wireless Template Files and XSL Stylesheets >

Siebel Wireless XML Web Interface and HTML Browser Support

The HTML version of Siebel Wireless is generated using the Siebel XML Web Interface (sXML), XSL stylesheets and the XSLT business service. The Siebel Web Engine's sXML interface renders Siebel Wireless views and applets in XML.

XSL stylesheets are assigned to the Siebel Web Templates using the swe:xsl-stylesheet tag and are located in the Web template directory. See Siebel Wireless XSL Stylesheet File Overview for more details on Web templates and XSL stylesheets associated with Siebel Wireless applications.

The resulting XML documents are passed to the XSLT business service, which processes the XML using a referenced XSL stylesheet.

Siebel Wireless has been enabled to support both HTML and XML requests through the Siebel Web Engine for the following reasons:

 Siebel Wireless Administration Guide
 Published: 09 September 2004