Siebel eSales Administration Guide > Creating and Managing Catalogs > Setting Up Catalogs >

Creating Catalogs

You create catalogs on the Catalogs page in the Catalog Administration screen.

To create a catalog

  1. Navigate to Catalog Administration.
  2. The Catalogs list appears.

  3. Add a new record.
  4. The Catalogs form appears under the More Info tab.

  5. Fill in the fields listed in the following table using the form under the More Info tab.
  6. Field
    Brief description of the catalog.
    Check the box if you want the catalog to be visible only to users who belong to the access groups associated with it.
    If the catalog is private, all of its categories will also be private.
    Effective Start Date
    Date when the catalog becomes visible to end users.
    Effective End Date
    Date when the catalog stops being visible to end users.
    Select the check box to make the catalog visible to end users.
    Catalog Type
    Choose Buying from the drop-down list if you want the catalog to be displayed on the Web site and in the employee application.
    Catalog Type can be used to control what is displayed by setting search specifications on applets. For example, you could create two catalog types named Customer and Partner. You could then create a view with an applet that has a search specification to display only catalogs of type Partner and a second view with an applet that has a search specification to display only catalogs of type Customer.
    Allow 3rd Party Listers
    No or Yes.
    This is used for catalogs that will contain auction items.
    For more information on auctions, see Siebel eAuction Guide.
    Interactive Designer Project
    Siebel Interactive Designer project with which to associate the catalog.
    This is used to place a Get Advice hyperlink next to the name of a catalog in the Product Catalog View (eSales) view. For more information about how to create a Siebel eAdvisor pageset, see Siebel Interactive Designer Administration Guide.
    Image file associated with the catalog.

  7. Fill in a number in the Sequence field in the Catalogs list.
  8. Catalogs are displayed on the Siebel eSales Web site in ascending order by their Sequence field.

  9. Click Save.

 Siebel eSales Administration Guide 
 Published: 18 April 2003