Siebel eSales Administration Guide > Using Purchase Order Credit Checking Applications > Optional Setup Procedures >

Modifying the Credit Check Service Business Service User Properties

Some of the user properties of the Credit Check Service business service are used to map integration object fields to their related business component fields. For example the BC_CREDIT_DATE user property has a value of Credit Check Status As Of Date, which is the name of a business component field on the Quotes and Payments business components. The PROP_SET_CREDIT_DATE user property has a value of Credit Status As Of, which is the name of an integration object field. Together, these values show that the data in the Credit Status As Of integration object field is moved to the Credit Check Status As Of Date business component field. You should not need to modify these values.

You will need to modify the value of the ERROR_STATUS_CODE user property if it does not match the value of the error code returned from the middleware.

To modify the error status code

  1. In Siebel Tools, select Business Service in the Object Explorer.
  2. Query for the Credit Check Service business service.
  3. Select Business Service User Prop in the Object Explorer.
  4. Change the value of the ERROR_STATUS_CODE user property to match the middleware value.

 Siebel eSales Administration Guide 
 Published: 18 April 2003