Package com.bankframe.ei.txnhandler.impl.destination

Interface Summary
Destination This interface is the remote interface of the DestinationBean Entity
DestinationBeanFinderHelper For each finder method, other than findByPrimaryKey and the finder methods generated for supporting assocations, which is defined in the home interface, an SQL query string or a method declaration must be defined in this interface.
DestinationHome This interface is the home interface of the Destination bean and defines its findByPrimaryKey method

Class Summary
DestinationBean This class specifies the parameters needed to connect to the host for a specific connector
DestinationCache This class caches the connection parameters of a connector contained in the Destination table
DestinationCachePersister This class is responsible for controlling the interaction between the route cache maintained in memory and the database routes table.
DestinationCMPBean This class specifies the parameters needed to connect to the host for a specific connector
DestinationImplt This class serves as a lightweight proxy representation of a Destination EJB for caching purposes.
DestinationPK Destination Primary Key

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