Package com.stellent.cis.client.api.scs.document.subscription

Interface Summary
ISCSContentSubscription Item the represents a subscription to a particular piece of content.
ISCSDocumentSubscriptionAPI The command API implementation of the document.subscription commands.
ISCSSubscribeResponse Response from the server when a request is made to subscribe.
ISCSSubscription Represents an individual subscription in the content server.
ISCSSubscriptionBasicID ID of a basic subscription.
ISCSSubscriptionContentItemsResponse Response from the server when querying for a list of content items that match a given subscription.
ISCSSubscriptionContentListResponse Response from the server when querying the list of subscriptions for a given active content item.
ISCSSubscriptionCriteriaID ID of a criteria-based subscription.
ISCSSubscriptionNotifyUpdateResponse Response from a query to the content server to update a subscription notification date.
ISCSSubscriptionUserListResponse Response from the content server when querying for user subscriptions.
ISCSUnsubscribeResponse Response from an unsubscribe request.