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Oracle® Business Intelligence Applications Installation and Configuration Guide
Version 7.9.4
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5 Installing Oracle BI Applications on Unix

This chapter provides instructions for installing and configuring Oracle Business Intelligence Applications components in a UNIX environment. It contains the following topics:

5.1 Overview of Installing and Configuring Oracle BI Applications on UNIX

Before you begin the installation and configuration process on UNIX, you should review the following:

When you install Oracle BI Applications in a UNIX environment, note the following:

The figure below shows a typical deployment of Oracle BI Applications in a UNIX installation. The figure shows how the Informatica client tools and the DAC client are installed on Windows only, and how the other Oracle BI Applications components can be installed on UNIX machines. You will complete some of the configuration tasks in the Windows environment. Table 5-1 lists each task in the installation and configuration process and tells you in which environment to complete the task.

Figure 5-1 Example hardware configuration for an Oracle BI Applications application on UNIX

The graphic below is described in surrounding text.

5.2 Installation and Configuration Process Task List for UNIX

The Oracle Business Intelligence Applications installation and configuration process on UNIX consists of the following steps. Complete each of the following tasks in the order listed below.

Table 5-1 UNIX Installation and Configuration Process

Task Instructions Environment

1. Install Oracle BI Applications on Windows.

Section 4.3, "How to Install Oracle Business Intelligence Applications (Windows)".


2. Install Oracle BI Applications on UNIX by copying across the installation files from a Windows installation directory.

Section 5.3, "How to Install Oracle BI Applications on UNIX".


2. Install Oracle BI Applications on UNIX by copying across the installation files from a Windows installation directory.

Section 4.4, "How to Install Informatica PowerCenter and Required Patches (Windows)"


4. Download and copy Hibernate libraries.

Note: Hibernate libraries must be copied on to each DAC Client machine (Windows only) and DAC Server machine (Windows or UNIX).

Section 4.7, "How to Copy Hibernate Libraries".

Windows (DAC client)

UNIX (DAC server)

5. Install and Configure the Informatica Repository Server on UNIX (using the Informatica Installer).

Section 5.4, "How to Install and Configure the Informatica Repository Server on UNIX".


6. Install and Configure the Informatica Server on UNIX (using the Informatica Installer).

Section 5.5, "How to Install and Configure the Informatica Server on UNIX".


7. Update the Informatica license files.

Section 5.6, "How to Update the Informatica License Files on UNIX".


8. Install the Informatica patch.

Section 5.7, "How to Install the Informatica Patch on UNIX".


9. Set Informatica Data Code Pages Validation.

Section 4.5.2, "How to Set Up Informatica Data Code Pages Validation".


10. Install the Java SDK and JDBC drivers on the DAC client machine and the DAC server machine.

Section 4.8, "How to Configure the DAC Client".

Windows (DAC client)

UNIX (DAC server)

11. Configure the DAC config.bat file.

Section 4.8.1, "How to Configure the DAC Config.bat File".


12. Create the DAC Metadata Repository (using the DAC client).

Section 4.10, "How to Create the DAC Metadata Repository".


13. Configure the DAC Metadata Repository (using the DAC client and ODBC Connections software).

Section 4.11.1, "How to Set Up DAC System Properties".


Section 4.5.7, "How to Create ODBC Database Connections".


Section 4.11.2, "How to Specify Transactional and Data Warehouse Data Sources in the DAC".


Section 5.8, "How to Create Database Connections for Teradata Installations".


Section 4.11.3, "How to Configure Email Recipients in the DAC Client".


Section 4.11.4, "How to Activate Join Indices for Teradata Databases".


14. Configure the Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse (using the DAC client).

Section 4.12.1, "How to Create the SSE Role".


Section 4.12.2, "How to Create Data Warehouse Tables".


Section 4.12.3, "How to Create Data Warehouse Tables on a Teradata Database".


15. Set environment variables for the Informatica Server.

Section 5.9, "How to Set Environment Variables for the Informatica Server on UNIX".


16. Set the Windows PATH environment variable for the Informatica Server.

Section 4.6, "How to Set Environment Variables on Windows".


17. Start the Informatica Repository Server.

Section 5.11, "How to Start the Informatica Repository Server on UNIX".


18. Create or restore and configure the Informatica repository (using the DAC).

Section 4.14.6, "How to Back Up and Restore the Informatica Repository (Optional)".

See also Section 4.14.5, "How to Stop and Start the Informatica Repository (Optional)".


Section 4.5, "How to Set Up the Informatica Server and Informatica Repository Server".

Section 4.14.2, "How to Register the Informatica Repository Server".


Section 4.14.5, "How to Stop and Start the Informatica Repository (Optional)".


Section 4.14.2, "How to Register the Informatica Repository Server".


Section 4.14.3, "How to Load the Pre-Built Repository Into Informatica".


Section 4.14.4, "How to Configure the Informatica Repository in Workflow Manager".


19. Set the Code Page File Property for Unicode Environments on Teradata Databases.

Section 4.15, "How to Set the Code Page File Property for Unicode Environments on Teradata Databases".


20. Set Up the HOSTS File for Teradata Installations.

Section 5.10, "How to Set Up the HOSTS File for Teradata Installations on UNIX".


21. Verify the Informatica Repository configuration (using Informatica tools).

Section 4.17, "How to Verify the Informatica Repository Configuration".


22. Start the Informatica Server.

Section 5.14, "How to Stop and Start the Informatica Server on UNIX".


23. Set the Source System Parameters (also known as DAC ETL Preferences) using the DAC client.

Section 4.18.3, "How to Set DAC Source System Parameters".


24. Configure the DAC server.

Note: Before you start, make sure that you have copied over the \OracleBI\DAC\ directory from the Windows machine where you installed Oracle BI Applications to a UNIX machine.

Section 5.13, "About the DAC Server on UNIX".


25. Update the transactional database schema definition.

Section 4.20, "How to Update Siebel Transactional Database Schema Definitions".


5.3 How to Install Oracle BI Applications on UNIX

Before you install Oracle Business Intelligence Applications on UNIX you must first complete the following installations:

To install Oracle BI Applications on UNIX

  1. Copy the directory OracleBI\DAC\ from the Oracle Business Intelligence Applications installation directory in the Windows environment to the UNIX environment.


    You also need to copy the OracleBI\DAC\ directory onto any machine on which you want to run the DAC Server (for more information, see Section 5.13, "About the DAC Server on UNIX").

  2. Copy the directory OracleBI\dwrep\Informatica from the Oracle Business Intelligence Applications installation directory in the Windows environment to the UNIX environment. Use the same directory structure in the UNIX environment as the Windows environment.

    This action copies pmrep, the Informatica repository file (Oracle_BI_DW_Base.rep), and the parameter files to the UNIX environment.

  3. Copy the following files from the Windows environment into the UNIX environment. Use the same directory structure in the UNIX environment as the Windows environment.

    File Type File Name File Location
    DAC repository *.* OracleBI\DAC\export
    DAC application related *.* OracleBI\DAC\CustomSQLs
    Delete trigger DeleteTriggers.list OracleBI\DAC\conf
    Analytics repository OracleBIAnalyticsApps.rpd OracleBI\Server\Repository
    Presentation Catalog *.* OracleBIData\Web\Catalog

    Note: You need to un-zip the ZIP files and copy the un-zipped files to the Unix machine.

    Language *.* OracleBIData\Web\Res
    Informatica seed files and lookup files *.* OracleBI\dwrep\Informatica\SrcFiles and OracleBI\dwrep\Informatica\LkpFiles

    Note: You need to copy these files to the location specified as $PMSourceFileDir in Informatica Workflow Manager.

5.4 How to Install and Configure the Informatica Repository Server on UNIX

If you are using a non-ENU operating system, make sure you have all the required locale files installed.

Install the Informatica software directly from the CD-ROM. If you cannot install the software directly from the CD-ROM, you must use FTP in binary mode; otherwise, the installation will fail. After the FTP process, use the chmod command to change the permission setting for all install files to read, write, and execute.


If you want to perform ETL runs in Informatica on HP-UX Itanium 2 64-bit, you need to install one of the following patches:

HP-UX 11.11 Itanium 64-bit systems require Patch PHSS_33033 or higher.

HP -UX 11.23 Itanium 64-bit systems require Patch PHSS_33349 or higher.

If you do not install one of the patches listed above, ELT runs might fail.

To install and configure the Informatica Repository Server on Unix, do the following:

  1. Install and configure the Informatica Repository Server (for more information, see Section 5.4.1, "How to install and configure the Informatica Repository Server").

  2. Specify the Informatica Repository Server as an environment variable (for more information, see Section 5.4.2, "How to specify the Informatica Repository Server as an environment variable").

5.4.1 How to install and configure the Informatica Repository Server

To install and configure the Informatica Repository Server

  1. Log onto the UNIX machine.

  2. Change to the appropriate directory and run the installer by typing ./install.

  3. Select the language in which you want to perform the installation.

  4. Enter the Product license key.

  5. Accept the license agreement.

  6. Select Informatica Repository Server from the list of components available to install.

  7. Specify the directory where the Repository Server will be installed.

  8. Enter the appropriate values for the options listed below.

    Option Required/Optional Description
    Configuration file name Required The name of the Repository Server configuration file.
    ServerPort Required The port number the Repository Server uses for repository client connections. The default is 5001.
    AdminPasswd Required The administrative password used to access the Repository Server. It is recommended that you use Administrator as the password.
    RaMinPort Required The minimum port number the Repository Server can assign to the Repository Agent process. The default is 5002.
    RaMaxPort Required The maximum port number the Repository Server can assign to the Repository Agent process. The default is 65535.
    ConfigDir Required The name of the directory in which the Repository Server stores repository configuration information files. You can specify either a relative path or an absolute path. The default is Config.
    BackupDir Required The name of the directory in which the Repository Server stores repository backup files. You can specify either a relative path or an absolute path. The default is Backup.
    PluginDir Required The name of the directory in which the Repository Server stores repository plugin files. You can specify either a relative path or an absolute path. The default is Plugin.
    ErrorSeverityLevel Required The level of error messages written to the Repository Server log. Specify one of the following message levels:
    • Error. Writes ERROR code messages to the log.

    • Warning. Writes WARNING and ERROR code messages to the log.

    • Information. Writes INFO, WARNING, and ERROR code messages to the log.

    • Tracing. Writes TRACE, INFO, WARNING, and ERROR code messages to the log.

    • Debug. Writes DEBUG, TRACE, INFO, WARNING, and ERROR code messages to the log.

    The default is Information

    LogFileName Required The name of the Repository Server log file. The default is pmrepserver.log.

  9. Type Y if you want to view the readme file, or N to read it later.

  10. Press enter to continue to install the Informatica Server.

    Do not exit from the installer. Proceed to Section 5.5, "How to Install and Configure the Informatica Server on UNIX".

5.4.2 How to specify the Informatica Repository Server as an environment variable

To specify the Informatica Repository Server as an environment variable

  1. From the \DAC\ directory, open the or dac_env.csh file in a text editor.

  2. Edit the value of the following environment variables by specifying the path of the Informatica Repository:

    • setenv PM_HOME=<Informatica repository path>

    • setenv PM_REPHOME=<Informatica repository path>

  3. Save and close the or dac_env.csh file.

  4. Execute the 'source' command to populate the environment variables using the values specified in the or dac_env.csh file. For example, at a command prompt, type 'source'.

  5. Restart the Informatica Repository server.

5.5 How to Install and Configure the Informatica Server on UNIX

The instructions in this section for installing and configuring the Informatica Server are meant to be followed immediately after the Informatica Repository Server installation, without exiting the installer. If you exited the installer after installing the Repository Server, you may want to review Section 5.4, "How to Install and Configure the Informatica Repository Server on UNIX".


You can install and configure two Informatica Server instances on the same UNIX machine. This configuration requires two copies of pmserver.cfg and pmrepserver.cfg files. Each file must have a unique name, for example, pmserverdev.cfg and pmserverQA.cfg. Each config file will define unique ports for each instance of the Informatica Server.


Even if you run the Informatica server from a different machine to the DAC server machine, you still must install Informatica on the DAC server machine, because the DAC server requires the Informatica libraries (utility pmcmd).


If you want to perform ETL runs in Informatica on HP-UX Itanium 2 64-bit, you need to install one of the following patches:

For HP-UX 11.11, apply patch PHSS_33033.

For HP-UX 11.11, apply patch PHSS_33033.

If you do not install one of the patches listed above, the ELT run might fail with one of the following errors:

FATAL ERROR: Caught a fatal signal [11]. Will abort this server process shortly. INFO: CMN_1131: (3644|1) System shared memory [360454] for [Load Manager Shared Memory] removed.

FATAL ERROR: Aborting this server process due to a fatal signal [11].

To install and configure the Informatica Server

  1. Select Informatica PowerCenter Server from the list of components available to install.

  2. Specify the directory where the Informatica Server will be installed.

  3. Enter the appropriate values for the options listed below.

    Option Required/Optional Description
    Configuration file name Required The name of the Informatica Server configuration file.
    ServerName Required The name of the Informatica Server registered with the repository. It is recommended that you use ORACLE_BI_DW_SERVER.
    RepositoryName Required The repository name entered when creating or upgrading a repository. It is recommended that you use Oracle_BI_DW_Base.
    PMUser Required The repository user name used to connect to the repository. It is recommended that you use Administrator
    PMPassword Required The password corresponding to the repository user (PMUser). It is recommended that you use Administrator.
    RepServerHostName Required The host name of the machine hosting the Repository Server.
    RepServerPortNumber Required The port number the Repository Server uses to communicate with repository client applications.
    RepServerTimeout Required The maximum number of seconds the Informatica Server tries to establish a connection to the Repository Server.
    LogFileName Optional The filename of the Informatica Server log file.
    DataMovementMode Required Possible values are ASCII and UNICODE. The default data movement mode is ASCII, which passes 7-bit ASCII character data. To pass 8-bit ASCII and multibyte character data from sources to targets, use the Unicode mode.

    Note: If you use the UNICODE mode, you should set the ValidateDataCodePages option as No and the SessionLogInUTF8 option as Yes.

    ValidateDataCode Pages Required If set to Yes, the Informatica Server enforces data code page compatibility. If set to No, the Informatica Server lifts restrictions for source and target data code page selection, stored procedure and lookup database code page selection, and session sort order selection.

    Note:If you set the DataMovementMode option to UNICODE, you should set the ValidateDataCodePages option as No.

    SessionLogInUTF8 Required If set to Yes, the Informatica Server writes to the session log using the UTF-8 character set. If set to No, the Informatica Server writes to the session log using the Informatica Server code page.

    Note:If you set the DataMovementMode option to UNICODE, you should set the SessionLogInUTF8 option as Yes.

    MaxSessions Required The maximum number of sessions stored in shared memory. This sets the maximum number of sessions the Informatica Server can run in parallel.
    LMSharedMem Required The amount of shared memory available for use by the Informatica Server Load Manager process. For every 10 sessions in MaxSessions, you need at least 2,000,000 bytes reserved in LMSharedMem. The default is 2,000,000 bytes.
    TimeStampWorkflowLogMessages Optional Set to Yes if you want to append a time stamp to messages written to the workflow log.
    FailSessionIfMax SessionsReached Optional Set to Yes to have the Informatica Server fail the session if the number of sessions already running is equal to the value configured for MaxSessions. If you set this option to No, the Informatica Server places the session in a ready queue until a session slot becomes available.
    ExportSessionLogLibName Optional If you want the Informatica Server to write session log messages to an external library, enter the name of the library file.
    ErrorSeverityLevel Optional The level of error messages written to the Informatica Server log.

    Specify one of the following message levels:

    • Error. Writes ERROR code messages to the log.

    • Warning. Writes WARNING and ERROR code messages to the log.

    • Information. Writes INFO, WARNING, and ERROR code messages to the log.

    • Tracing. Writes TRACE, INFO, WARNING, and ERROR code messages to the log.

    • Debug. Writes DEBUG, TRACE, INFO, WARNING, and ERROR code messages to the log.

    DateHandling40 Compatibility Optional Set to Yes if you want the Informatica Server to handle dates as in PowerCenter 1.0/PowerMart 4.0. Set to No if you want the Informatica Server to handle dates as defined in the current version of PowerCenter.

    Date handling significantly improved in PowerCenter 1.5 and PowerMart 4.5. If you need to revert to PowerCenter 1.0 or PowerMart 4.0 behavior, you can configure the Informatica Server to handle dates as in PowerCenter 1.0 and PowerMart 4.0.

    PMServer3X Compatibility Optional Set to Yes if you want the Informatica Server to handle dates as in PowerCenter 1.0/PowerMart 4.0. Set to No if you want the Informatica Server to handle dates as defined in the current version of PowerCenter.

    Date handling significantly improved in PowerCenter 1.5 and PowerMart 4.5. If you need to revert to PowerCenter 1.0 or PowerMart 4.0 behavior, you can configure the Informatica Server to handle dates as in PowerCenter 1.0 and PowerMart 4.0.

    AggregateTreatNullAsZero Optional Set to 1 to have the Informatica Server treat nulls as zero in Aggregator transformations. Set to 0 to have the Informatica Server treat nulls as nulls in aggregate calculations.
    AggregateTreatRowAsInsert Optional Set to 1 to have the Informatica Server perform aggregate calculations before flagging records for insert, update, delete, or reject in Update Strategy expressions. Set to 0 to have the Informatica Server perform aggregate calculations based on the Update Strategy transformation.
    DateDisplayFormat Required If specified, the Informatica Server validates the date display format and uses it in session log and server log entries. If the date display format is invalid, the Informatica Server uses the default date display format. The default date display format is DY MON DD HH 24:MI:SS YYYY.
    JoinerSourceOrder6xCompatibility Optional If set to Yes, the Informatica Server processes master and detail pipelines sequentially as it did in versions prior to 7.0. The Informatica Server processes all data from the master pipeline before starting to process the detail pipeline. Also, if you enable this option, you cannot specify the Transaction level transformation scope for Joiner transformations. If set to No, the Informatica Server processes the master and detail pipelines concurrently.
    TreatNullIn ComparisonOperatorAs Required Determines how the Informatica Server evaluates null values in comparison operations. Specify one of the following options:
    • Null. The Informatica Server evaluates null values as null in comparison expressions. If either operand is null, the result is null. This is the default behavior.

    • High. The Informatica Server evaluates null values as greater than non-null values in comparison expressions. If both operands are null, the Informatica Server evaluates them as equal. When you choose High, comparison expressions never result in null.

    • Low. The Informatica Server evaluates null values as less than non-null values in comparison expressions. If both operands are null, the Informatica Server treats them as equal. When you choose Low, comparison expressions never result in null.

    WriterWaitTimeOut Optional In target-based commit mode, the amount of time in seconds the writer remains idle before it issues a commit when the following conditions are true:
    • The Informatica Server has written data to the target.

    • The Informatica Server has not issued a committed.

    The Informatica Server may commit to the target before or after the configured commit interval. Default is 60 seconds. If you configure the timeout to be 0 or a negative number, the Informatica Server defaults to 60 seconds.

    LoadManagerAllowDebugging Optional If set to Yes, you can run the Debugger.
    CreateIndicatorFiles Optional If set to Yes, the Informatica Server creates indicator files when you run a workflow with a flat file target.
    XMLWarnDupRows Optional If set to Yes, the Informatica Server writes duplicate row warnings and duplicate rows for XML targets to the session log.
    OutputMetaDataForFF Optional If you specify this option, the Informatica Server writes column headers to flat file targets. It writes the target definition port names to the flat file target in the first line, starting with the # symbol. By default, this option is disabled.
    MaxLookupSPDB Connections Optional Allows you to specify a maximum number of connections to a lookup or stored procedure database when you start a session. If the number of connections needed exceeds this value, session threads must share connections. This can result in a performance loss. If you do not specify a value, the Informatica Server allows an unlimited number of connections to the lookup or stored procedure database.

    If the Informatica Server allows an unlimited number of connections, but the database user does not have permission for the number of connections required by the session, the session fails.

    MaxMSSQL Connections Optional Allows you to specify a maximum number of connections to a MSSQL Server database when you start a session. If the number of connections required by the session is greater than this value, the session fails.
    NumOfDeadlock Retries Optional Allows you to specify the number of times the Informatica Server retries a target write on a database deadlock.
    DeadlockSleep Optional Allows you to specify the number of seconds before the Informatica Server retries a target write on database deadlock. If set to 0 seconds, the Informatica Server retries the target write immediately.
    LicenseFile Required The name of the file that contains the license keys. The default file name is pm.lic. It is recommended that you use this file name.

    During the installation, the product license key is automatically added to this file. After the installation, you must add any additional Option and Connectivity license keys to this file. For instructions, see Section 5.6, "How to Update the Informatica License Files on UNIX".

    JVMDllPath Optional The absolute path to the JVM library file.
    JVMClassPath Optional You can set the CLASSPATH to any JAR files you need to run a session using a web service source, target, or transformation. The Informatica Server appends the values you set to the system CLASSPATH.
    JVMMinMemory Optional Set this value to increase the minimum amount of memory for JVM to use during an Informatica Server session. The default value is 32 MB.

    If the session fails due to a lack of memory, you may want to increase this value.

    JVMMaxMemory Optional Set this value to increase the maximum amount of memory for JVM to use during an Informatica Server session. The default value is 64 MB.

    If the session fails due to a lack of memory, you may want to increase this value.

    TrustStore Optional Enter the value for TrustStore using the following syntax:
    ClientStore Optional Enter the value for ClientStore using the following syntax:
    JvmOptionName[n] Optional You can enter names and values for up to 10 custom VM options. Use the following syntax:

    n can range from 1 to 10 and must be unique for each option.

    JCEProvider Optional Enter the JCEProvider class name to support NTLM authentication.
    HttpProxyServer Required Name of the HTTP proxy server.
    HttpProxyPort Required Port number of the HTTP proxy server. This must be a number.
    HttpProxyUser Optional Authenticated username for the HTTP proxy server.
    HttpProxyPassword Optional Password for the authenticated user.
    HttpProxyDomain Optional Domain for authentication.

  4. When the installation is complete, proceed to Section 5.6, "How to Update the Informatica License Files on UNIX".

5.6 How to Update the Informatica License Files on UNIX

When you install the Informatica PowerCenter, you enter a product license key. The installation process adds the product license key to a license file called pm.lic. Copies of this license file are stored in the installation directories for the Informatica Server and the Repository Server. You must add to the license file any additional Option and Connectivity license keys you have. You need a Team Based Development license (for more information, see Section, "Summary of Versioning in the Informatica Repository").

To update the Informatica license files

  1. Navigate to the Informatica Server installation directory.

  2. Update the license file with a license key using the following syntax:

    pmlic update -key <keystring_to_add>

    For example, if the license key is AAAA-AAAA-AAAA-AAAA-AAAA, enter the following:

    pmlic update -key AAAA-AAAA-AAAA-AAAA-AAAA
  3. Repeat Step 2 for every license key you need to add.

  4. Navigate to the Repository Server installation directory, and repeat Step 2 for every license key you need to add.


    To execute pmlic, you must set the following environment variables: LD_LIBRARY_PATH = <InformaticaInstallroot>/server PATH=<InformaticatInstallroot>/server

5.7 How to Install the Informatica Patch on UNIX

After you install Informatica PowerCenter version 7.1.4, you need to install an Informatica patch.

To install the Informatica patch

  1. Access the patch files on the Oracle BI Applications CD-ROM.

  2. Locate the directory named Patch1, and install the patch by following the instructions in the readme file.

5.8 How to Create Database Connections for Teradata Installations

If you are using a Teradata database, follow this procedure to create database connections.

To create database connections for Teradata installations

  1. Using the Teradata ODBC driver, create an ODBC connection for the Teradata database.

  2. Set the following variables in the ODBC.INI file:


    For UNICODE environments, add the following:


5.9 How to Set Environment Variables for the Informatica Server on UNIX

This section includes the following procedures:

5.9.1 How to Add setenv Variables to .cshrc

You should add setenv variables to .cshrc. Otherwise, you have to set the environment variables every time you log into the UNIX machine before configuring, starting, or stopping the Informatica servers.

To add setenv variables to .cshrc:

  1. For Solaris, in the root directory, add these command lines to .cshrc:

    setenv PATH /<INFA_home>/informatica/pm:.:${PATH}
    setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH /<INFA_home>/informatica/pm:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}
    setenv PATH /<INFA_home>/informatica/repositoryserver:.:${PATH}
    setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH /<INFA_home>/informatica/repositoryserver:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}
  2. For AIX, in the root directory, add these command lines to .cshrc:

    setenv PATH ${PATH}:/<INFA_home>/informatica/pc:.
    setenv LIBPATH ${LIBPATH}:/<INFA_home>/informatica/pc
    setenv PATH ${PATH}:/<INFA_home>/informatica/repositoryserver:.
    setenv LIBPATH ${LIBPATH}:/<INFA_home>/informatica/repositoryserver
  3. For HP-UX, in the root directory, add these command lines to .cshrc:

    setenv PATH /<INFA_home>/informatica/pm:.:${PATH}
    setenv SHLIB_PATH /<INFA_home>/informatica/pm:${SHLIB_PATH}
    setenv PATH /<INFA_home>/informatica/repositoryserver:.:${PATH}
    setenv SHLIB_PATH /<INFA_home>/informatica/repositoryserver:${SHLIB_PATH}

5.9.2 How to Set the Code Page for Non_ENU Operating Systems on UNIX

This section explains how to set the code page for non_ENU operating systems on UNIX.

To set the code page for non_ENU operating systems on UNIX:

  1. If you are using a non-ENU operating system, you must set the environment variable PMREPCODEPAGE appropriately. For example: PMREPCODEPAGE=MS932.

5.9.3 How to Set Siebel UnicodeDB on the Informatica Server if source and target databases are Unicode on UNIX

This section explains how to set Siebel UnicodeDB on the Informatica Server if source and target databases are Unicode on UNIX.

To set Siebel UnicodeDB on the Informatica Server if source and target databases are Unicode on UNIX

  1. For all UNIX platforms, if both the transactional and data warehouse data sources are Unicode, add the following line in /<INFA_home>/informatica/pm/pmserver.cfg file.

    SiebelUnicodeDB=<OLTP_TBO>@<OLTP_connectionString> <OLAP_TBO>@<OLAP_ConnectionString>

    For example:

    SiebelUnicodeDB=ora16221@sdcdl580i016_qa16b ora16222@sdcdl580i016_qa16b

5.9.4 How to Disable the bulk loader for DB2/390 databases

This section explains how to disable the bulk loader for DB2/390 databases.

To disable the bulk loader for DB2/390 databases:

  1. For DB2/390 databases, add the following line in /<INFA_home>/informatica/pm/pmserver.cfg file.

    DisableDB2BulkMode = Yes

5.10 How to Set Up the HOSTS File for Teradata Installations on UNIX

If you are using a Teradata database, you need to set the TDPID parameter on the machine where the Informatica Server is installed by adding an entry in the HOSTS file.

To set up the HOSTS file for Teradata installations

  1. On the machine where the Informatica Server is installed, go to the /etc directory and open the HOSTS file.

  2. In the HOSTS file, enter a line in the following format:

    <IP address of remote server> <remote server> <remote server>COP<n>

    For example: tdatsvr tdatsvrCOP1

    where tdatsvrCOP1 is the alias for the remote server. The alias must begin with an alphabetic string and end with the COP n suffix, where n is a number between 1 and the total number of applications processors that are associated with the Teradata communications processor.

  3. Save the HOSTS file.

For more information about setting the TDPID parameter, see the Teradata documentation.

5.11 How to Start the Informatica Repository Server on UNIX

Follow this procedure to start the Informatica Repository Server on UNIX.

To start the Informatica Repository Server

5.12 How to Stop the Informatica Repository Server on UNIX

Follow this procedure to stop the Informatica Repository Server on UNIX.

To stop the Informatica Repository Server

5.13 About the DAC Server on UNIX

Although you can run the DAC server on a UNIX machine, Oracle does not provide a separate Oracle BI Applications installer for UNIX. Therefore, to install the DAC server in a UNIX environment, you must first install Oracle BI Applications onto a Windows machine, then manually copy over the \OracleBI\DAC\ directory to a UNIX machine, and then follow the steps below (see Section 5.13.1, "How to configure the DAC server on UNIX").

Shell scripts are provided in the *.sh and *.csh formats. You must use the appropriate scripts in the appropriate shells, because their syntaxes are different. Table 5-2 lists the available shell scripts and their usage. These files contain comments that provide information about how to configure the scripts.

Table 5-2 Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse Scripts for Bash and C Shells

Script Purpose


Configures the environment variables for DAC_HOME and JAVA_HOME.


Invokes DAC commands on the DAC server. See the file for usage information.


Configures environment variables, including Informatica's pmcmd utility, which enables the DAC server to invoke workflows. Other variables included are NLS_LANG and ORA_HOME.


Configures DAC metadata repository connection information.


Displays the DAC server version.


Starts the DAC server on machines running Solaris and HP.


Starts the DAC server on AIX machines.


Shuts down the DAC server.


All the files listed in Table 5-2 need to have read, write, and execute permissions. If the files do not have these permissions, modify them using the chmod command.

5.13.1 How to configure the DAC server on UNIX

This section explains how to configure the DAC server on UNIX

  1. Copy the \OracleBI\DAC\ directory from the Windows machine where you installed Oracle BI Applications to a UNIX machine.


    You can use FTP to copy the shell scripts under DAC using a dos2unix utility in an ascii mode. The other files can be copied in a binary mode.

  2. Using a MS-DOS to UNIX conversion tool, convert the script files shown in Table 5-2 to UNIX format (that is, remove the carriage return and line feed characters).

    There are many MS-DOS to UNIX conversion tools that are freely available for download on the Internet. Alternatively, you can manually remove the carriage return and line feed characters from the script files.

  3. Edit the or dac_env.csh file to add the path of the directories for the Informatica Server and Informatica Repository Server to the appropriate environment variable:

    • For Solaris: LD_LIBRARY_PATH

    • For AIX: LIBPATH

    • For HP: SHLIB_PATH

      For example:

      setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH ${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}:/<INFA_HOME>/informatica<version>
  4. If you are using an Oracle database and the OCI driver, configure the following variables and uncomment in the or dac_env.csh file them by removing the # sign at the beginning of the line:

    • TNS_ADMIN: To set the directory for Oracle to use tnsnames.ora files.

    • LD_LIBRARY_PATH (Solaris), LIBPATH (AIX), or SHLIB_PATH (HP): To set the Oracle library path.


      Informatica does not support 64-bit libraries.

  5. Edit the or config.csh file to set the JAVA_HOME directory.


    Do not edit any other parameters in this file.

  6. Copy the database-specific .jar files to the $DAC/lib directory:

    • Oracle. If you are using an Oracle database (other than 8.x), find the directory where Oracle is installed. Copy the file named ojdbc14.jar in the jdbc/lib directory and paste it in the $DAC/lib directory.

      • If you are using Oracle 8.x, copy the file named and paste it in the $DAC/lib directory. Also, edit the ORACLELIB setting in the or config.csh file as follows:

        setenv ORACLELIB=$DAC_Home/lib/
    • DB2. If you are using a DB2 database, find the directory where DB2 is installed. In the Java subdirectory copy the file named and paste it in the $DAC/lib directory.


      If your source or target database is DB2-UDB, you also need to create stored procedures to be used during the ETL process. For instructions, see Section 4.21, "How to Create Stored Procedures for DB2-UDB".

    • MSSQL. If you are using an MSSQL database, download the SQL Server JDBC drivers from Microsoft's Web site. Copy the files msbase.jar, mssqlserver.jar, and msutil.jar to the $DAC/lib directory.

  7. Run or serverSetupPrompt.csh to set the repository connection information and the email settings:

    1. At the initial prompt, enter 1 to set the repository connection information.

    2. Enter 3 to test the repository connection.

    3. Enter 4 to save the information you entered.

    4. Enter 2 to set up the administrator email account.


      For the email functionality to work, you must be using an SMTP server in which the SMTP authentication mode LOGIN is enabled. For example, if you are using Microsoft Exchange Server, you must enable the SMTP module and enable authentication in the Basic Mode. The SMTP server outbound email authentication must be turned on for the DAC server to be able to send email notifications.

    5. Enter 5 to exit.

  8. Copy content-specific XML files from the OracleBI\DAC\CustomSQLs directory in the Windows installation to the OracleBI/DAC/CustomSQLs directory in the UNIX installation.

  9. Start the DAC server using the appropriate script (for more information, see Table 5-2).

    For example, use the script on a Solaris or HP machine.

5.14 How to Stop and Start the Informatica Server on UNIX

This section explains how to stop and start the Informatica Server on UNIX.

5.14.1 Requirements

  • From the UNIX machine, make sure you can connect to the transactional database and to the data warehouse database.

  • The Informatica repository must have been configured using the Informatica Workflow Manager.

  • The environment variables for the Informatica Server on UNIX must be set.

  • The appropriate parameter files should have been copied to the SrcFiles directory.

  • For Unicode, the SiebelUnicodeDB variable must be set.

5.14.2 How to Start the Informatica Server on UNIX

This section explains how to start the Informatica Server.

To start the Informatica Server:

  1. Go to the Informatica Server directory, and enter ./pmserver.

    For Teradata installations, enter ./pmserver ./pmserver.cfg>./pmserver.out

    Check the log file to verify the server started. If it started correctly, the log file will state: "Server Initialization Completed."

5.14.3 How to Start the Informatica Server On UNIX

This section explains how to stop the Informatica Server.

To stop the Informatica Server:

  1. Go to the Informatica Server directory, and enter the following command:

    ./pmcmd stopserver <repository username> <repository password> <port #>.

    For example:

    ./pmcmd stopserver Administrator Administrator 4001

    You can check whether the Informatica Server is running by entering the command ps -elf |grep pmserver.

    If it lists pmserver process, the server is running. If it lists grep pmserver, that is the process of the ps command.

5.15 How to Run the DAC Server on UNIX

Follow this procedure to start the DAC server on UNIX. Before you can start the DAC server, you must have already configured the config.csh or and dac_env.csh or files.

5.15.1 How to Start the DAC server on UNIX

This section explains how to start the DAC server.

To start the DAC server:

  1. In csh-related shells, issue the following command:


  2. In bash-related shells, issue the following command:


5.15.2 How to Run the DAC server in the background

This section explains how to start the DAC server in the background.

To run the DAC server in the background:

  1. In csh-related shells, issue the following command:

    nohup startserver.csh 2>&1 &

  2. In bash-related shells, issue the following command:

    nohup 2>&1 &

The nohup command allows the DAC server to run in the background on UNIX even if the DAC client is disconnected.

5.16 How to Stop the DAC Server on UNIX

Follow this procedure to stop the DAC server on UNIX.

To stop the DAC server:

  1. In csh related shells, issue the following command:


  2. In bash-related shells, issue the following command:



When you execute ./stopserver.csh or ./, the server will issue a warning about the shutdown request. When the server receives the request, it will shut down even if there is an ETL in progress. The statuses for the ETL run will not be set correctly. The next time the DAC server starts, it will set the status to Failed for any uncompleted run.

5.17 Teradata-Specific Installation and Configuration Checklist for UNIX

Table 5-3 provides a list of Teradata-specific installation and configuration steps that are performed during the Oracle BI Applications installation and configuration process for UNIX. You should review this list to make sure that you have performed all of the required Teradata-specific steps. You should also review Section 4.22, "Teradata-Specific Installation and Configuration Checklist (Windows)" for Teradata-specific information related to the Windows environment.

Table 5-3 Teradata-Specific Installation Checklist for UNIX

Action Link to Topic

Review Teradata-specific database guidelines

Section 3.9, "Teradata-Specific Database Guidelines for Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse".

Create database connections

Section 5.8, "How to Create Database Connections for Teradata Installations".

Set up the HOSTS file

Section 5.10, "How to Set Up the HOSTS File for Teradata Installations on UNIX".