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Configure network settings for Agents

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Review Configure and manage Agents.

The Networking tab on the Agent page enables you to configure the listen address and port for communications between the Agent and the Controller. For more information, see About Communications. You configure the network settings initially when you create an Agent using the WLOC Configuration Wizard, as described in Configuring the Controller and Agents.

To configure the network settings for an Agent:

  1. Access the Agent page in one of the following ways:
    • Click the Inventory tab in the WLOC navigation bar, expand the list of Agents in the Inventory pane, and click the name of the Agent.
    • Click the Agents tab in the WLOC navigation bar and click the name of the Agent that you want to configure in the Agents table.
    • Click the Home tab in the WLOC navigation bar, click Agents under Manage Configuration, and click the name of the Agent that you want to configure in the Agents table.
  2. Click the Networking tab on the Agent page.
  3. Modify the following network settings, as required:
    Field Description


    Host name of the machine that is running the Agent.


    Port address on which the Agent can be accessed by the WLOC Administration Console.

    Secure Port

    Port address on which the Agent can be accessed by the WLOC Administration Console for secure connections.

    Use Secure Connections

    Flag that specifies whether to use a secure connection when communicating with the Controller.

    The network name is set by WLOC and cannot be modified. If you modify any of the network settings, you must shut down and restart the Agent, as described in Shut down Agents and Starting and Stopping the Controller and Agents the Agent.

  4. Click Save.
    The changes are saved and the following message confirmation is displayed:
    Settings updated successfully

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