This is a text description for Figure A-2. The audit data warehouse uses a star schema to model an entity, audit records. The audit record is in the center of this star-shaped configuration, and its information is stored in a fact table (AUDIT_EVENT_FACT). Each of its attributes (source, event, client, target, user, time, context, tools, and privileges) makes up an end point in this 9-sided star. Each of these attributes is stored in its own dimension table, and each is linked to the fact table by a foreign key. Some dimension tables reference other dimension tables. For example, the END_USER_DIM, OSUSER_DIM, and GRANTEE_USER_DIM dimension tables reference the USER_DIM dimension table. The ASSOC_TARGET_DIM and NEW_TARGET_DIM dimension tables reference the TARGET_DIM dimension table. The AV_TIME_DIM dimension table references the TIME_DIM dimension table. The SYSPRIVILEGES_DIM and OBJPRIVILEGES_DIM dimension tables reference the PRIVILEGES_DIM dimension table.