Administration Guide for Oracle Self-Service E-Billing > Configuring the Payments Module >

Configuring a Payment Gateway

You must configure at least one payment gateway for ACH or credit card payments for a BILLERID application (which you set up on the Main Console as a DDN). You can also update a payment gateway at any time to add or remove information about a particular payee.

The payment gateway or the biller's bank must provide information specific to a payment gateway. You must have this information in-hand before configuring.

You can specify global settings for applications (if needed, you can override some of these settings in certain job configurations for each application).

To configure a payment gateway and specify global configuration settings

  1. From the Command Center menu, click Settings, then click the Payment Settings tab. Click Global Configuration. Specify the settings you want to use as global defaults. Select the payee DDN application and specify the global configuration parameters shown in Table 40.

    Select your BILLERID application in the Payee DDN section (selecting the same application under the External DDN section), and click Update.

  2. Click Indexer DDN Configuration. For your BILLERID application, specify the parameters shown in Table 41. Click Create.
  3. Click Create next to the check gateway type. Select a payment gateway (such as ACH) from the list and click Add. Specify the payment gateway settings for checks in Table 42, Table 43, and Table 44. Click Add.

    If you are migrating, use the same settings as the old payment configuration that you wrote down before deleting the old configuration.

    NOTE:  Fields with an asterisk (*) are required.

  4. For the same DDN, click Create next to the ccard (credit card) gateway type. Select paypal from the list, and click Add. Specify the credit card gateway settings in Table 42, Table 46, and Table 47. Click Add.
  5. Click Payee Account Configuration, then Click New. Select the BILLERID payee DDN. Specify bank account details for the application. You must configure at least one payee bank account for each payee DDN. For details on configuring parameters for a payee bank account, see Parameters for Configuring a Payee Bank Account.
  6. Click Add to save the settings.

NOTE:  It is possible to use multiple payee bank accounts for the BILLERID application. For help using the external DDN feature, contact your Oracle sales representative to request assistance from Oracle's Professional Services.

Parameters for Configuring Global Payment Settings

Table 40 describes the global parameters required when configuring the Payment module.

Table 40. Parameters for Global Payment Configuration
What to Enter or Select

Payee DDNs

Choose one or more payment DDNs to configure.

Payment Notification Service Implementation

Always select com.edocs.common.notification.payment.ConsolidatedPaymentNotificationService' class.

Payment Notification Service Implementation

Always select com.edocs.common.notification.payment.ConsolidatedPaymentNotificationService' class.

Enable Payment Audit

Selecting Y causes any actions performed that affect the Payment tables check_payments or creditcard_payments to be audited. These actions can be from the Web application or from the Payment jobs. The value N disables auditing. The default is Y.

Enable Recurring Payment Audit

Selecting Y causes any actions that affect the recurring_payments tables to be audited. These actions can be from the Web application or from the Payment jobs. The value N disables auditing. The default is Y.

Enable Payment Account Audit

Selecting Y causes any actions that affect the payment_accounts table to be audited. These actions can be from the Web application or from the Payment jobs. The value N disables auditing. The default is N.

Enable Payment Reminder Audit

Selecting Y causes any actions that affect the payment_reminders table to be audited. These actions can be from the Web application or from the Payment jobs. The value N disables auditing. The default is N.

Enable Bill Summary Audit

Selecting Y causes any actions that affect the payment_bill_summaries table to be audited. These actions can be from Web application or from the Payment jobs. The value N disables auditing. The default is Y.

Email Content Audit Length

Specifies how many characters of an email's content are audited. The default is 100. The audit length must be between 0 and 2048.

Email Content AuditOffset

Specifies where to start the audit in the email content.

Enable Recurring Payment Notification Audit

Selecting Y causes emails sent out by the recurring payment job to be audited. The value N disables email auditing (default).

Enable Payment Reminder Notification Audit

Payment reminders sends two types of email: remind-pay-bill emails and payment status notification emails. The value Y causes the remind-pay-bill emails (fixed-date payment reminder, pre-due-date payment reminder and post-due-date reminder) to be audited. The default is N.

Enable Payment Status Notification Audit

Selecting Y causes payment status notification emails to be audited for both check and credit card payments. The value N disables payment status notification email auditing (default).

Enable Payment Account Enrollment Notification Audit

Selecting Y causes enrollment notification emails sent to be audited. The value N disables enrollment notification emails auditing (default).

Enable Credit Card Expiration Notification Audit

Selecting Y causes credit card expiration emails sent by the pmtCreditCardExpNotify job to be audited. The value N disables credit card expiration emails auditing (default).

Enable Payment Status Notification Audit

Selecting Y causes payment status notification emails to be audited for both check and credit card payments. The value N disables payment status notification email auditing (default).

Enable Payment Account Enrollment Notification Audit

Selecting Y causes enrollment notification emails sent to be audited. The value N disables enrollment notification emails auditing (default).

Enable Credit Card Expiration Notification Audit

Selecting Y causes credit card expiration emails sent by the pmtCreditCardExpNotify job to be audited. The value N disables credit card expiration emails auditing (default).

Parameters for Configuring an Indexer DDN

Table 41 describes the parameters you configure for an Indexer DDN.

Table 41. Parameters for Configuring an Indexer DDN
What to Enter or Select

Implementation of com.edocs.payment.imported.IBillDepot

The parameter settings are:

  • Retains the default handling for bill processing.
  • com.edocs.payment.imported.eadirect.BillDepot. This field is backward compatible.
  • com.edocs.payment.imported.eadirect.SampleBillDepot. This field is backward compatible. It adds the following features:
    • If the rebill has a zero amount, the due date is set to the previous bill's due date. A rebill is a bill that is reissued during the current billing cycle. A rebill occurs when a biller makes frequent adjustments to a bill before the due date.
    • If the due date is ON RECPT, the due date is changed to the current date.

The Name of Due Date in Statement Index Table (for recurring payment)

The name of the field you have defined to extract the Due Date from each statement. This field must be routinely indexed in the Oracle Self-Service E-Billing database, during data processing, for use in the Payment module. (Keep the default value; this field is backward compatible.)

This field only applies to recurring payments. If you are not implementing recurring payments, you can leave this field empty.

Due Date Format

Selected from the list, the format of the data extracted as the Due Date from each statement. This parameter depends on the format of the legacy data source. (Keep the default value; this field is backward compatible.)

Name of Amount Due in Statement Index Table (for recurring payment)

The name of the field you have defined to extract the Amount Due from each statement. This field must be routinely indexed in the Oracle Self-Service E-Billing database, during data processing, for use in the Payment module. (Keep the default value; this field is backward compatible.)

This field only applies to recurring payments. If you are not implementing recurring payments, you can leave this field empty.

Due Date Format

Selected from the list, the format of the data extracted as the Amount Due from each statement. This setting depends on the format of the legacy data source. (Keep the default value; this field is backward compatible.)

Name of Minimum Amount Due in Statement Index Table (if applies)

Keep the default value; this field is backward compatible.

Parameters for Configuring Check and Credit Card Gateways

This topic describes the parameters you set to configure payment gateways for checks and credit cards for regular and external payee DDNs.

Note that some parameters are required for both checks (ACH) and credit card gateways (for both regular and external DDNs), and are described in Check and Credit Card Gateway Configuration Parameters (Regular and External Payee DDNs).

Check and Credit Card Gateway Configuration Parameters (Regular and External Payee DDNs)

Table 42 shows the parameters you configure for the credit card cartridge (if any) and check cartridges for both regular and external payee DDNs.

Table 42. Parameters for Configuring a Credit Card Gateway (Regular and External Payee DDNs)
What to Enter or Select

Batch Size for Payment Reminder Table

Specifies the number of payment reminders to be read into memory from the Oracle Self-Service E-Billing database for the pmtReminder job. Note that specifying a batch size that is too small increases the number of times the database is accessed, and specifying a batch size value that is too large could result in an excessive amount of memory being used.

A batch size of 100 is suggested for a medium-sized database, and a batch size of 1000 is suggested for a large database.

You can enter a batch size of 0 (zero) to disable batched table reads, however, doing so requires a lot of memory. Entering zero means that one partition ID is created for all payments, and that all payments are processed at once instead of in batches. The resulting batch file does not have multiple batch records, which some banks prefer.

Send Email Notification when Payment Jobs are Done (with or without error)

The value Y enables and N disables sending of email about the status of the Payment jobs that support job status notification. Additional email information is specified in the following fields.

Mail-to addresses (separated by ; semicolon) for job status notification

One or more email addresses that must be sent job status notification, separated by semicolons.

JNDI name of IAccount

Implementation of IAccount, which must match the enrollment model (single or multiple DDNs for each user account) used by applications that use this payment gateway (DDN). Select the JNDI name edx/ejb/AdminAccount.

Implementation of IUserAccountAccessor

The name of the class that handles getting Oracle Self-Service E-Billing user information, which is determined by the type of enrollment supported.

Select the class

Implementation of IPaymentAccountAccessor

The name of the class that handles getting Payment user information. Select the class com.edocs.payment.payenroll.payacct.SSOPaymentAccountAccessor.

Make Authorize Reversal Payments

Y, Yes or N, No

Check Gateway Configuration Parameters (Regular Payee DDN Only)

Table 43 describes the parameters you must specify when configuring a check gateway (for a regular payee DDN only).

Table 43. Parameters for Configuring a Check Gateway (Regular Payee DDN Only)
What to Enter or Select

Payment Type




Batch Size for Check Payment Table

The number of scheduled checks to read into memory from the payment database as a batch job. Note that specifying a batch size that is too small increases the number of database accesses, and specifying a batch size value that is too large might result in an excessive amount of memory being used.

A batch size of 100 is suggested for a medium-sized database, and a batch size of 1000 is suggested for a large database.

A batch size of 0 (zero) can be entered to disable batched table reads, but it is not recommended because it requires a lot of memory. Entering zero means that one partition ID is created for all payments, and that all payments are processed together, instead of in batches. The resulting ACH file will not have multiple batch records, which some banks prefer.

Number of Business Days After Pay Date to Clear the Check

The number of business days for a check to be marked as paid after submitting to the payment gateway without returns or failures. The default is five business days.

NDays to Activate Pending Subscribers

The number of business days to wait before approving a customer for online payment. If a prenote file is returned before this time, then the customer is rejected for the causes stated in the prenote file. The default is three days.

Batch File Name Prefix

The text used as a prefix to each batch file name.


Batch File Name Time Stamp

The format used for each batch file time stamp.


Batch File Name Suffix

The text used as a suffix to each batch file name.


ACH Prenote File Name Prefix

The text used as a prefix to each ACH prenote file name.

ACH Prenote File Name Time Stamp

The format used for each ACH prenote file name

ACH Prenote File Name Suffix

The text used as a suffix to each ACH prenote file name

Update Payment Enrollment in Case of NOC

The value Y causes the pmtCheckUpdate job to update enrollment status when a NOC is returned. The value N means this value is updated by the customer through the user interface

Send Email Notification in Case of NOC

The value Y sends email to customers whose payment returns a NOC. The value N means the customer does not receive email when a NOC is returned.

Skip non-business days for batch entry effective dates

Whether batch effective dates skip U.S. Federal holidays and weekends.

Generate an empty ACH file if no checks to submit

Whether the pmtCheckSubmit job generates an empty ACH file if there are no checks to submit.

Immediate Destination

The routing number of the Biller (DDN). A routing number is assigned to you by your bank, and follows a format specified by the Biller's bank (ODFI). The pmtCheckSubmit job inserts this information into the ACH File Header record's Company Name field. The pmtCheckUpdate job uses this value to validate entries in the ACH return file. Must be exactly 10 characters in length and must start with a blank; the leading blank is counted as one of the 10 characters.

Immediate Origin

The routing number of the biller's bank (ODFI).A routing number is assigned to you by your bank. The pmtCheckSubmit job writes this information to the ACH file header record's Immediate Destination field. The pmtCheckUpdate job uses this value to validate entries in the ACH return file. Must be exactly 10 characters in length. The value assigned to you by your bank might have a leading blank. If the value is less than 10 characters in length (including the leading blank, if there is one), you must pad the entry with trailing blanks to reach a total length of 10 characters.

Immediate Destination Name

The name of the Biller. This information is assigned to you by your bank, and follows a format specific to the needs of the ODFI. The pmtCheckSubmit job inserts this information into the ACH File Header record's Immediate Destination Name field. The pmtCheckUpdate job uses this value to validate entries in the ACH return file.

Immediate Origin Name

The name of the biller's bank (ODFI). This information is assigned to you by your bank, and follows a format specific to the needs of the ODFI. The pmtCheckSubmit job inserts this information into the ACH File Header record's Immediate Destination Name field. The pmtCheckUpdate job uses this value to validate entries in the ACH return file.

ACH File Output Directory

The directory where ACH files are created to be sent to the originating bank. Payment does not create this directory.

ACH File Input Directory

The directory where the originating bank sends ACH return files. Payment does not create this directory.

ACH Template File Directory

The directory where the ACH XML files are stored. The path for default templates is $EDX_HOME/payment/lib/payment_resources/ach/template.

Implementation of IAchCheckSubmitPlugIn

The plug-in allows modification of whether a check payment is submitted, plus other actions based on a check selected for payment. For example, to generate a remittance file with a format different from the standard ACH file specification.

For information about implementing this class, contact Oracle Professional Services. The default is com.edocs.payment.cassette.ach.AchCheckSubmitPlugIn.

Flexible Field 1 and 2

Specify up to two fields for the IAchCheckSubmitPlugin plug in.

Check Gateway Parameters (External Payee DDN Only)

Table 44 describes the parameters you specify when configuring a check gateway for an external DDN only.

Table 44. Parameters for Configuring a Check Gateway (External Payee DDN Only)
What to Enter or Select

Batch Size for Check Payment Table.

Specifies the number of scheduled checks to read into memory from the payment database as a batch job. Note that specifying a batch size that is too small increases the number of database accesses, and specifying a batch size value that is too large might result in an excessive amount of memory being used.

A batch size of 100 is suggested for a medium-sized database, and a batch size of 1000 is suggested for a large database.

A batch size of 0 (zero) can be entered to disable batched table reads, but it is not recommended because it requires a lot of memory. Entering zero means that one partition ID is created for all payments, and that all payments are processed at once, instead of in batches. The resulting ACH file will not have multiple batch records, which some banks prefer.

Number of Business Days After Pay Date to Clear the Check.

The number of business days for a check to be marked as paid after submitting to the payment gateway without returns or failures. The default is five business days.

Days to Activate Pending Subscribers.

The number of business days to wait before approving a customer for online payment. If a prenote file is returned before this time, then the customer is rejected for the causes stated in the prenote file. The default is three days.

Batch File Name Prefix

The text used as a prefix to each batch file name.

Batch File Name Time Stamp


The format used for each batch file time stamp.

Batch File Name Suffix

The text used as a suffix to each batch file name.

Batch File Output Directory

The name of the directory to place the batch output file.

ACH Federal Holidays

You can configure an ACH check payment gateway to skip non-business days for the batch-effective entry date. The Skip non-business days for batch effective entry date field lets you determine when a payment must be made.

NOTE:  If a U.S. Federal holiday falls on a Saturday, then the previous Friday is a holiday for Federal employees, but it is not a holiday for most businesses and employees.

Non-business days in the Payment module include the U.S. Federal holidays listed in Table 45.

Table 45. U.S. Federal Holidays

New Year's Day

January first.

Martin Luther King's Birthday

The third Monday in January.

Presidents' Day

The third Monday in February.

Memorial Day

The last Monday in May.

Independence Day

The 4th of July.

Labor Day

The first Monday in September.

Columbus Day

The second Monday in October.

Veterans' Day

The 11th of November.


Fourth Thursday in November.

Christmas Day

The 25th of December.

Credit Card Gateway Parameters (Regular Payee DDN Only)

Table 46 describes the parameters you must specify when configuring a credit card gateway for a regular payee DDN only.

Table 46. Parameters for Configuring a Credit Card Gateway (Regular Payee DDN Only)
What to Enter or Select

Batch Size for Credit Card Payment Table

Specifies the number of scheduled credit card payments to be read into memory from the Payment database for the pmtCreditCardSubmit job. Note that specifying a batch size that is too small increases the number of times the database is accessed, and specifying a batch size value that is too large might result in an excessive amount of memory being used.

A batch size of 100 is suggested for a medium-sized database, and a batch size of 1000 is suggested for a large database.

A batch size of 0 (zero) can be entered to disable batched table reads, but is not recommended because it requires a lot of memory. Entering zero means that one partition ID is created for all payments, and that all payments are processed together, instead of in batches. The resulting batch file will not have multiple batch records, which some banks prefer.

PayPal Host Name

The URL to the PayPal Payflow Pro host that processes credit card transactions for this payment gateway:

PayPal Host Port

The TCP port number to be used when contacting the PayPal Payflow Pro host. The default is 443.

PayPal Timeout Period for Transaction

The number of seconds the pmtCreditCardSubmit job will wait for a transaction to complete with the PayPal Payflow Pro host before timing out.

Proxy Address

The address of the proxy server: Optional field; if you are using the proxy network connection, enter your proxy setting.

Proxy Port

The port number of the proxy server: 80. Optional field; if you are using the proxy network connection, enter your proxy setting.

PayPal User

The case-sensitive vendor name from PayPal Payflow Pro. See your PayPal representative for this value. (This parameter must match the PayPal Vendor.)

PayPal Vendor

The case-sensitive vendor name assigned by registering with PayPal Payflow Pro. See your PayPal representative for this value.

PayPal Partner

The partner name used by PayPal: PayPal.

PayPal Password

The case-sensitive password. See your PayPal representative for this password.

URL StreamHandler class of application server

The name of the class used for the application server StreamHandler:

  • Oracle WebLogic. Use
  • IBM WebSphere 6.1. Use

PayPal Certificate Path

The path to the SSL server certificate purchased from PayPal Payflow Pro and installed on the application server.

Number of Threads

Specifies the number of connections to open with the PayPal Payflow Pro payment gateway at one time. More threads consume more resources (including network resources), but decrease the time it takes the pmtCreditCardSubmit job to complete processing credit card payments. The maximum allowed is 10; the default is 1.

Enable PayPal address verification service

The value Y (Default) enables address verification for credit card payments. AVS support must also be set up with PayPal Payflow Pro.

Implementation of IPaypalCreditCardSubmitPlugIn

The plug-in allows modification of whether a credit card payment is submitted, plus other actions based on the payments selected for settlement. For example, to deny a credit card payment based on additional business rules.

For information about implementing this class, contact Oracle Professional Services. The default is:


Flexible Field 1 and 2

Specify up to two parameters for a plug-in.

Credit Card Gateway Parameters (External Payee DDN Only)

Table 47 describes the parameters you must configure for a credit card payment gateway using PayPal Payflow Pro (external payee DDN only).

Table 47. Parameters to Configure for a Credit Card Gateway (External Payee DDN Only)
What to Enter or Select

Batch Size for Credit Card Payment Table

Specifies the number of scheduled credit card payments to be read into memory from the Payment database for the pmtCreditCardSubmit job. Note that specifying a batch size that is too small increases the number of times the database is accessed, and specifying a batch size value that is too large might result in an excessive amount of memory being used.

A batch size of 100 is suggested for a medium-sized database, and a batch size of 1000 is suggested for a large database.

A batch size of 0 (zero) can be entered to disable batched table reads, but it is not recommended because it requires a lot of memory. Entering zero means that one partition ID is created for all payments, and that all payments are processed together, instead of in batches. The resulting batch file will not have multiple batch records, which some banks prefer.

Batch File Name Prefix

The text used as a prefix to each batch file name.

Batch File Name Time Stamp

The format used for each batch file time stamp.

Batch File Name Suffix

The text used as a suffix to each batch file name.

Batch File Output Directory

The name of the directory to place the batch output file.

Parameters for Configuring a Payee Bank Account

Table 48 shows the parameters you configure when adding a new payee bank account.

Table 48. Parameters for Configuring a New Payee Bank Account


The name of the payee DDN. The payee bank account will be assigned to this payment DDN.

Company ID

This information is assigned to you by your bank, and follows a format specific to the needs of the ODFI. The pmtCheckSubmit job inserts this information into the ACH Batch Header record's Company ID field. The pmtCheckUpdate job uses this value to identify the biller in the ACH return file.

Company Name

The name given to the Biller by the Biller's bank (ODFI). This information is assigned to you by your bank, and follows a format specific to the needs of the ODFI. The pmtCheckSubmit job inserts this information into the ACH File Header record's Company Name field. The pmtCheckUpdate job uses this value to identify the biller in the ACH return file.

Company Entry Description

Describes the purpose of the detail records, and is dependent on the type of details records. For example, this could be Gas Bill if the ACH Detail records following this Batch Header record are of type PPD. This value is provided by your bank (the payment gateway). The pmtCheckSubmit job inserts this information into the ACH Batch Header record's Company Entry Description field.


The routing number of the Biller's bank (ODFI). This value is provided by the payment gateway. The pmtCheckSubmit job inserts this information into the ACH Batch Header record's Originating DFI ID field.

Business Unit

The name of the business unit associated with this account.

Vertical Field 1, Vertical Field 2, Vertical Field 3

Fields that can be customized for use with your application.

Flexible Field 1, Flexible Field 2, Flexible Field 3

Fields that can be customized for use with your application.

Administration Guide for Oracle Self-Service E-Billing Copyright © 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Legal Notices.