Installation Guide for Oracle Self-Service E-Billing > Configuring the Oracle Database >

Creating the Oracle Self-Service E-Billing Database Using Ant

Oracle Self-Service E-Billing provides an ant script for creating the Oracle Self-Service E-Billing database.

You must configure the and files with the same OLAP and OLTP database SID, user name, password and tnsnames to provide a link between the databases. The,, and files contain configuration parameters specific to each installation and are used by the Ant script that installs the Oracle Self-Service E-Billing database. You update these files before running the E-Billing Ant script.

This task is a step in Roadmap for Configuring the Oracle Self-Service E-Billing Database.

To create the Oracle Self-Service E-Billing database using Ant

  1. Specify the following values in the file for the current installation. This file can be found in the EDX_HOME/db/ebilling/oracle directory or the EDX_HOME\db\ebilling\oracle directory on Windows, where EDX_HOME is the directory where you installed Oracle Self-Service E-Billing:
    • ORACLE_HOME and ORACLE_ADMIN locations
    • OLAP and OLTP database SID, user name, and password
    • SYSDBA password for OLAP
    • TNSNAMES for OLAP and OLTP database
    • Database file locations for OLAP
    • Redo file locations for OLAP
    • Trace file location for OLAP
  2. Specify the following values in the file, found in the EDX_HOME/db/ebilling/oracle directory (or the EDX_HOME\db\ebilling\oracle directory on Windows) for the current installation:
    • ORACLE_HOME and ORACLE_BASE locations
    • OLTP and OLAP database SID, user name, and password
    • SYSDBA password for OLTP
    • TNSNAMES for OLAP and OLTP database
    • Database file locations for OLTP
    • Redo file locations for OLTP
    • Trace file location for OLTP
  3. Go to the directory of the Oracle Database installation files in your software installation: EDX_HOME/db/ebilling/oracle (or the EDX_HOME\db\ebilling\oracle directory on Windows).
  4. If you have not configured the Apache Ant environment, do so now:
    • UNIX:

    export ANT_HOME=/opt/apache-ant-1.6.5

    export PATH=$ANT_HOME/bin:$PATH

    Oracle WebLogic users, run the following command, where JDK150_11 is your JDK version:

    export JAVA_HOME= $WEBLOGIC_HOME/JDK150_11

    IBM WebSphere users, run the following command:

    export JAVA_HOME=$WS_HOME/java

    Also, for all application servers on UNIX, run the following command:

    export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$ANT_HOME/bin:$PATH

    • Windows:

    set ANT_HOME=C:\apache-ant-1.6.5

    set PATH=%PATH%;%ANT_HOME%\bin


    where JDK150_11 is your JDK version.

  5. Type ant to run the build script. By default, Ant picks up the build.xml file in the current directory.
  6. Select Option 1, Install the OLAP database.

    If you want to create a schema only on an existing database instance, run Options 4-6 on this menu only. If you want to create a database instance as well, run Options 1-6 or Option 7.

  7. Select Option 1, Create an Oracle instance.

    This step creates a new database instance for Oracle Self-Service E-Billing reporting, defines a data dictionary, and defines all the system database objects only. No user input is required although several progress messages appear.

    NOTE:  This step can take anywhere from 20 minutes to 2 hours to complete, depending on the speed of your platform. Ant returns to the current menu when finished.

    CAUTION:  Review all log files for possible errors.

  8. (Optional when creating a new instance and schema) Select Option 2, Shut down the database.

    Ant returns to the current menu when finished.

  9. Select Option 3, Start up the database.

    Ant returns to the current menu when finished.

  10. Select Option 4, Create OLAP tablespaces. Then select Option 5, Create an OLAP schema, and Option 6, Create OLAP database objects.
  11. Select Option 8, Return to the Main Menu.
  12. From the Oracle Self-Service E-Billing Database Installation Menu, select Option 2, Install the OLTP database.

    If you want to create a schema on an existing database instance, run Options 4 and 5 on this menu only. If you want to create a database instance as well, run Options 1-5 or Option 6.

  13. Select Option 1, Create an Oracle instance.

    This step creates a new database instance, defines a data dictionary and stored procedure for the new database, and modifies the stored procedures to contain the absolute paths you defined in the file. No user input is required. Several progress messages appear.

    NOTE:  This step can take anywhere from 20 minutes to 2 hours to complete, depending on the speed of your platform.

    CAUTION:  Review all log files for possible errors.

  14. (Optional when creating a new instance and schema) Select Option 2, Shutdown Database.

    Ant returns to the current menu when complete.

  15. Select Option 3, Start up Database.

    Ant returns to the current menu when complete.

  16. Select Option 4, Install Application Database - Create tablespace and user, and Option 5, Create the OLTP database objects.
  17. Select Option 7, Return to the Main Menu.
  18. (Optional) Select Option 3, Encrypt Sensitive Data. Choose this option if you intend to use Transparent Data Encryption and have followed Process of Implementing Transparent Data Encryption, including specifying an Oracle Wallet location, setting the master encryption key, and opening the encrypted wallet.
    1. (Optional) Select Option 1 to run an encryption precheck.

      A precheck reviews the columns listed in the CSV files and reports how many columns can be encrypted and how many cannot. A precheck generates two log files: precheck_olap.log and precheck_oltp.log. Review these two log files for detailed information. These files are found in the $EDX_HOME/db/ebilling/oracle/encrypt directory (or the %EDX_HOME%\db\ebilling\oracle\encrypt directory on Windows).

    2. Select Option 4, Encrypt OLAP sensitive data. Review the encrypt_olap.log file, found in the $EDX_HOME/ db/ebilling/oracle/encrypt (or in the %EDX_HOME%\db\ebilling\oracle\encrypt directory on Windows) for detailed information.
    3. Select Option 5, Encrypt OLTP sensitive data. Review the encrypt_oltp.log file, found in the $EDX_HOME/db/ ebilling/oracle/encrypt directory (or %EDX_HOME%\db\ebilling\oracle\encrypt directory on Windows) for detailed information.
    4. Select Q, Quit.
  19. Select Option 4, Load the seed and sample data. Select Option 1, Load the seed data.

    This step creates the initial data in some of the seed tables and is required for Oracle Self-Service E-Billing to run properly.

  20. (Optional) Select Option 2, Load the sample data.
  21. (Optional) If you want a backup, select Option 3, Export the database data.
  22. Select Option 4, Return to the Main Menu.

    CAUTION:  Review all log files for possible errors.

  23. Follow the tasks to install the ETL described in Roadmap for Installing the ETL Module for Oracle Self-Service E-Billing.
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