Installation Guide for Oracle Self-Service E-Billing > Installing Oracle Self-Service E-Billing >

Uninstalling Oracle Self-Service E-Billing

You can uninstall and remove Oracle Self-Service E-Billing components and deployed J2EE applications using the Oracle Self-Service E-Billing Uninstaller.

Uninstall Oracle Self-Service E-Billing from the database server first, then uninstall it from the application server.

Note that the Uninstaller does not delete any directories that contain files modified since installation. Instead, it lists these items, which you must then remove manually.

Oracle Self-Service E-Billing does not provide a log for uninstalling; steps to capture the uninstall debug log are included in the following procedure.

This task is a step in Roadmap for Installing Oracle Self-Service E-Billing.

To uninstall Oracle Self-Service E-Billing

  1. Stop your application server.
  2. Stop your database instance and your database server.
  3. Navigate to the Uninstall folder of your Oracle Self-Service E-Billing home directory.
  4. On UNIX, direct debug output to either the console or to a file.
    • To direct debug output to the console, enter the following commands:

     export LAX_DEBUG=true

    - or - setenv LAX_DEBUG true - or - LAX_DEBUG=true set LAX_DEBUG 

    • To direct debug output to a file, enter the following commands:

    setenv LAX_DEBUG /export/home/temp/uninstall.log

    set LAX_DEBUG=/export/home/temp/uninstall.log

  5. Start the Oracle Self-Service E-Billing Uninstaller.
    • UNIX. Run the Uninstall_eBilling command, located in the EDX_HOME/Uninstall directory. In the path, EDX_HOME is the location where Oracle Self-Service E-Billing is installed.
    • Windows.Click the Uninstall eBilling.exe file icon; immediately press and hold the Ctrl key to direct the debug log output to the console.
  6. When the Uninstall screen appears, click Uninstall.

    Oracle Self-Service E-Billing lists the components as it removes them from your computer.

  7. When the Uninstaller is finished, a screen appears listing any items that could not be removed.
  8. Change the directory to your Oracle Self-Service E-Billing home directory, and manually remove any remaining files and directories as necessary.
  9. Click Done to close the Uninstaller.
  10. Repeat this procedure on your application server and any other installations.
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