1 Apache Tomcat Metrics

Oracle Enterprise Manager can be used to manage Apache Tomcat. You can use the All Metrics page for an Apache Tomcat target to view the metrics that are being monitored for that target by Oracle Management Agent.

Application Cache Metrics

This metric category contains the usage details of the application cache of the Apache Tomcat container.

Default Collection Interval — Every 5 Minutes

Table 1-1 Application Cache Metrics

Metric Description

Cache Access Count

Number of times the cache was accessed since last collection

Cache Hit Count

Number of times the cache was hit since last collection

All Applications Metrics

This metric category contains aggregated performance metrics spanning all the applications deloyed to the Apache Tomcat container.

Default Collection Interval — Every 5 Minutes

Table 1-2 All Applications Metrics

Metric Description

All Applications - Rejected Sessions

Number of sessions rejected by all the applications running on the Apache Tomcat container since last collection

All Applications - Sessions Created

Number of sessions created by all the applications running on the Apache Tomcat container since last collection

All Applications - Total Active Sessions

Active sessions of all the applications running on the Apache Tomcat container

All Applications JSP Monitor Metrics

This metric category contains aggregated performance metrics spanning all the JSPs deployed to the Apache Tomcat container.

Default Collection Interval — Every 5 Minutes

Table 1-3 All Applications JSP Monitor Metrics

Metric Description

All Applications - JSP Access

Number of times JSPs were accessed on all the applications since last collection

All Applications - JSP Reload

Number of times JSPs were reloaded on all the applications since last collection

All Global Request Processors Metrics

This metric category contains aggregated performance metrics spanning all the Global Request Processors deployed to the Apache Tomcat container.

Default Collection Interval — Every 5 Minutes

Table 1-4 All Global Request Processors Metrics

Metric Description

All Global Request Processors - Total Bytes Received

Bytes received by all the request processors running on the Apache Tomcat container since last collection

All Global Request Processors - Total Errors

Error count on all the request processors running on the Apache Tomcat container since last collection

All Global Request Processors - Total Requests

Request count on all the request processors running on the Apache Tomcat container since last collection

All Global Request Processors -Total Bytes Sent

Bytes sent by all the request processors running on the Apache Tomcat container since last collection

Applications Metrics

This metric category contains the metrics for each application deployed to the container.

Default Collection Interval — Every 5 minutes

Table 1-5 Applications Metrics

Metric Description

Total Active Sessions

Total number of active sessions since startup

Total Rejected Sessions

Total number of rejected sessions since startup

Total Sessions Since Startup

Total number of sessions created since startup

Total Processing Time (ms)

Total processing time (in milliseconds) since startup

Total Request Count

Total number of requests served since startup

Processing Time Since Last collection (ms)

Processing time (in milliseconds) since last collection

Active Session Since last collection

Number of active sessions created since last collection

Sessions Created Since Last collection

Number of new sessions created since last collection

Rejected Sessions Since Last collection

Number of sessions rejected since last collection

Request Count Since Last collection

Number of requests served since last collection

Average Processing Time (ms)

Average time taken (in milliseconds) for processing a request

DataSource Metrics

This metric category contains the attributes of all the data sources configured for the Apache Tomcat container.

Default Collection Interval — Every 5 Minutes

Table 1-6 DataSource Metrics

Metric Description

Active Datasource Connections

Number of active connections to the data source

Idle Datasource Connections

Number of idle connections to the data source

Global Request Processor Metrics

This metric category contains the attributes of each Global Request Processor configured on the Apache Tomcat container.

Default Collection Interval — Every 5 Minutes

Table 1-7 Global Request Processor Metrics

Metric Description

Average Request Processing Time (ms)

Average time taken (in milliseconds) for processing a request by the global request processor

Bytes Received Since Last Collection

Bytes received by each request processor since last collection

Bytes Sent Since Last Collection

Bytes sent by each request processor since last collection

Errors Since Last Collection

Error count of each request processor since last collection

Request Processing Time (ms)

Request processing time (in milliseconds) of each global request processor

Requests Since Last Collection

Number of requests served by each request processor since last collection

JSP Monitor Metrics

This metric category contains the usage details of JSPs.

Default Collection Interval — Every 5 Minutes

Table 1-8 JSP Monitor Metrics

Metric Description

JSP Access

Number of times JSPs were accessed since during last collection

JSP Reload

Number of times JSPs were reloaded since last collection

Memory Usage Metrics

This metric category gives information about the memory load on the Apache Tomcat container.

Default Collection Interval — Every 5 minutes

Table 1-9 Memory Usage Metrics

Metric Description

Heap Memory Usage (MB)

Heap memory usage (in MB) of the server

Non Heap Memory Usage (MB)

Non-heap memory usage (in MB) of the server

Response Metrics

This metric category shows the status of the Apache Tomcat container.

Default Collection Interval — Every 5 Minutes

Table 1-10 Response Metrics

Metric Description


Status of the Apache Tomcat container - whether up or down

Servlets Metrics

This metric category contains attributes of each servlet loaded on the Apache Tomcat container.

Default Collection Interval — Every 5 minutes

Table 1-11 Servlets Metrics

Metric Description

Maximum Servlet Request Processing Time (ms)

Maximum time taken (in milliseconds) for processing a request by the servlet

Total Servlet Request Processing Time (ms)

Total time taken (in milliseconds) for processing all the requests by the servlet

Number Of Requests Since Startup

Number of requests received by the servlet since startup

Number Of Errors Since Startup

Number of erroneous requests received by the servlet since startup

Processing Time Since Last Collection

Time taken for processing all the requests since last collection

Requests Count Since Last Collection

Number of requests served by the servlet since last collection

Average Processing Time (ms)

Average processing time (in milliseconds) since last collection

Number Of Servlet Errors Since Last Collection

Number of erroneous requests received by the servlet since last collection

Session Manager Metrics

This metric category contains the statistics of the sessions managed by the Apache Tomcat container.

Default Collection Interval — Real-Time Only

Table 1-12 Session Manager Metrics

Metric Description

Active Sessions Since Startup

Active number of sessions of each application since startup

Rejected Sessions Since Startup

Number of sessions rejected by each application since startup

Application Name

Name of the deployed application

Sessions Created Since Startup

Number of new sessions created since startup

Sessions Created Since Last Collection

Number of sessions created since last collection

Active Sessions Since Last Collection

Number of active sessions since last collection

Rejected Sessions Since Last Collection

Number of sessions rejected since last collection

Thread Pools Metrics

This metric category contains statistics on various thread pools used by the Apache Tomcat container.

Default Collection Interval — Every 5 Minutes

Table 1-13 Thread Pools Metrics

Metric Description

Busy Threads

Number of busy threads on the Apache Tomcat container


Number of threads created on the Apache Tomcat container