1 VMWare ESX Server Metrics

This chapter provides descriptions for all VMWare ESX Server metric categories, and tables list and describe associated metrics for each category.

VMWare ESX Server Metrics

VMWare ESX Server metrics consist of the following categories:

  • ESX Server CPU Summary

  • ESX Server Disk Summary

  • ESX Server Disks

  • ESX Server Memory Summary

  • ESX Server Network

  • ESX Server Network Summary

  • ESX Server Resource CPU Summary

  • ESX Server System

  • ESX Server System Summary

  • ESX Server Virtual CPU

  • Response

  • VM CPU Summary

  • VM Disk Summary

  • VM Disks

  • VM Memory Summary

  • VM Network

  • VM Network Summary

  • VM Resource CPU Summary

  • VM Status

  • VM System Summary

  • VM Virtual CPU


Some metrics are applicable only for version 3.0.1.

ESX Server CPU Summary Metrics

The metrics in this category provide details on CPU usage and reserved CPU capacity.

Table 1-1 ESX Server CPU Summary Metrics

Metric Description

Total CPU Usage (%)

Percentage of CPU usage across system (total of Virtual Machines (VMs), service console, vmkernel, VMotion, etc.).

Total CPU Usage (MHz)

CPU usage in megahertz across system (total of VMs, service console, vmkernel, VMotion, etc.).

Total Reserved CPU Capacity Of VMs

Summation of CPU reservations of all VMs.

ESX Server Disk Summary Metrics

The metrics in this category contain the hard disk usage summary of the ESX Server.

Table 1-2 ESX Server Disk Summary Metrics

Metric Description

ESX Disk Usage (KBps)

Disk usage of ESX Server in kilobytes per second.

ESX Server Disks Metrics

The metrics in this category contain the disks metrics for ESX server.

Table 1-3 ESX Server Disks Metrics

Metric Description

ESX Disk Bus Resets

Disk bus resets of ESX Server. This metric is applicable only for 3.0.1.

ESX Disk Commands

ESX Server disk commands. This metric is applicable only for 3.0.1

ESX Disk Commands Aborted

ESX Server disk commands that were aborted. This metric is applicable only for 3.0.1

ESX Disk Read Rate (KBps)

ESX Server disk read rate in kilobytes per second.

ESX Disk Reads

Number of times disks were read in the ESX Server.

ESX Disk Write Rate (KBps)

ESX Server disk write rate in kilobytes per second.

ESX Disk Writes

Number of writes to disk for the ESX Server.

ESX Server Memory Summary Metrics

The metrics in this category contain the summary of the ESX Server memory.

Table 1-4 ESX Server Memory Summary Metrics

Metric Description

ESX Free Memory in Heap (KB)

Kilobytes of free memory in heap in the ESX Server.

ESX Heap Memory (KB)

Kilobytes of heap memory in the ESX Server.

ESX Memory Consumed (KB)

This is the value from the calculation: Total memory - free memory (where total memory includes memory used by VMs, vmkernel, service console, and so on).

ESX Physical Memory Usage (%)

This is the value from the calculation: Total Memory Used by VMs / physical memory on machine. This metric is applicable only for 3.0.1.

ESX Reserved Memory Capacity (MB)

Amount of memory currently utilized to satisfy minimum memory values set for all VMs.

ESX Shared Common Memory (KB)

Amount of memory required for a single copy of shared pages in running VMs.

ESX Total Memory Available For VMs (KB)

Summation of total VM Memory across all VMs.

ESX Total Memory Mapped For VMs (KB)

Summation of VM Memory Mapped to ESX Server across all VMs.

ESX Total Memory Swapped In For VMs (KB)

Summation of VM Memory swapped In across all VMs. This metric is applicable only for 3.0.1.

ESX Total Memory Swapped Out For VMs (KB)

Summation of VM Memory swapped Out across all VMs. This metric is applicable only for 3.0.1.

ESX Total Memory Used By VMs (KB)

Summation of VM Memory used across all VMs.

ESX Total Memory Used For Swap Space By VMs (KB)

Summation of VM Memory being swapped across all VMs.

ESX Total Overhead Memory Of VMs (KB)

Summation of VM Overhead Memory across all VMs.

ESX Total Shared Memory For VMs (KB)

Summation of VM Shared Memory across all VMs.

ESX Total Zero Memory For VMs (KB)

Summation of VM Zero Memory across all VMs.

ESX VM Kernel Memory (KB)

Summation of VM Kernel Memory across all VMs. This metric is applicable only for 3.0.1.

ESX VM Memory Control (KB)

Summation of VM Memory Control across all VMs. This metric is applicable only for 3.0.1.

ESX Server Network Metrics

The metrics in this category contain the ESX Server Network details.

Table 1-5 ESX Server Network Metrics

Metric Description

ESX Network Packets Received

Number of network packets received by the ESX Server.

ESX Network Packets Transmitted

Number of network packets transmitted by the ESX Server.

ESX Network Receive Rate (KBps)

The rate at which the ESX Server receives packets.

ESX Network Transmit Rate (KBps)

The rate at which the ESX Server transmits packets.

ESX Server Network Summary Metrics

The metric in this category contains the ESX Server Network Summary details.

Table 1-6 ESX Server Network Summary Metrics

Metric Description and User Action

ESX Network Usage (KBps)

Network usage of ESX Server in kilobytes per second.

ESX Server Resource CPU Summary Metrics

The metrics in this category contains the ESX Server Resource CPU Summary details. Active time is the time that a VM spent occupying a CPU. Runtime is the time that a VM spent actually running on a CPU. Scheduling Limit is amount of time that the VM did not run because this would violate the limit resource setting of the VM (even though the VM is ready to run, it is prevented from doing so).

Table 1-7 ESX Server Resource CPU Summary Metrics

Metric Description

ESX Active Time for CPU - Fifteen Minute Average (%)

ESX Server CPU active time average percentage over 15 minutes.

ESX Active Time For CPU - Fifteen Minute Peak (%)

ESX Server CPU active time peak percentage over 15 minutes.

ESX Active Time For CPU - Five Minute Average (%)

ESX Server CPU active time average percentage over five minutes.

ESX Active Time For CPU - Five Minute Peak (%)

ESX Server CPU active time peak percentage over five minutes.

ESX Active Time For CPU - One Minute Average (%)

ESX Server CPU active time average percentage over one minute.

ESX Active Time For CPU - One Minute Peak (%)

ESX Server CPU active time peak percentage over one minute.

ESX Runtime For CPU - Fifteen Minute Average (%)

ESX Server CPU runtime average percentage over 15 minutes.

ESX Runtime For CPU - Fifteen Minute Peak (%)

ESX Server CPU runtime peak percentage over 15 minutes.

ESX Runtime For CPU - Five Minute Average (%)

ESX Server CPU runtime average percentage over five minutes.

ESX Runtime For CPU - Five Minute Peak (%)

ESX Server CPU runtime peak percentage over five minutes.

ESX Runtime For CPU - One Minute Average (%)

ESX Server CPU runtime average percentage over one minute.

ESX Runtime For CPU - One Minute Peak (%)

ESX Server CPU runtime peak percentage over one minute.

ESX Sample Count For CPU Utilization

Sample count for ESX Server CPU Utilization.

ESX Sample Period For CPU Utilization (ms)

Sample period in milliseconds for ESX Server CPU Utilization.

ESX Scheduling Limit - Fifteen Minute Maximum (%)

ESX Server Scheduling Limit percentage for a maximum of 15 minutes.

ESX Scheduling Limit - Five Minute Maximum (%)

ESX Server Scheduling Limit percentage for a maximum of five minutes.

ESX Scheduling Limit - One Minute Maximum (%)

ESX Server Scheduling Limit percentage for a maximum of one minute.

ESX Server System Metrics

The metric in this category contains the ESX Server System details.

Table 1-8 ESX Server System Metrics

Metric Description

ESX CPU Usage (MHz)

CPU Usage in megahertz for the ESX Server.

ESX Server System Summary Metrics

The metric in this category contains the ESX Server System summary details.

Table 1-9 ESX Server System Summary Metrics

Metric Description

ESX Uptime (days)

The duration the ESX Server has been running after the last startup.

ESX Server Virtual CPU

The metrics in this category contain the ESX Server Virtual CPU details.

Table 1-10 ESX Server Virtual CPU Metrics

Metric Description

ESX Virtual CPU Idle (ms)

Number of milliseconds the ESX Server Virtual CPU has been idle. This metric is applicable only for 3.0.1.

ESX Virtual CPU Usage (%)

ESX Server Virtual CPU usage percentage.

ESX Virtual CPU Used (ms)

ESX Server Virtual CPU usage in milliseconds. This metric is applicable only for 3.0.1.

Response Metrics

The metrics in this category contain the ESX Server response details.

Table 1-11 Response Metrics

Metric Description

Response Time (ms)

Response time of an HTTP ping to the ESX Server.


Current status of the ESX Server. The value can be Up or Down.

VM CPU Summary Metrics

The metrics in this category contain the VM CPU Summary details.

Table 1-12 VM CPU Summary Metrics

Metric Description


Universal Unique Identifier (UUID) assigned to the VM.

VM CPU Usage (%)

VM CPU Usage normalized across the number of virtual CPUs

VM CPU Usage (MHz)

VM CPU Usage normalized across the number of virtual CPUs per CPU.

VM Disk Summary Metrics

The metrics in this category contain the VM Disk Summary details.

Table 1-13 VM Disk Summary Metrics

Metric Description


Universal Unique Identifier (UUID) assigned to the VM.

VM Disk Usage (KBps)

Shows the VM Disk usage in kilobytes per second.

VM Disk Metrics

The metrics in this category contain the VM Disk details.

Table 1-14 VM Disk Metrics

Metric Description


Universal Unique Identifier (UUID) assigned to the VM.

VM Disk Bus Resets

Number of VM disk bus resets. This metric is applicable only for 3.0.1.

VM Disk Commands

Number of VM disk commands. This metric is applicable only for 3.0.1.

VM Disk Commands Aborted

VM disk commands that were aborted. This metric is applicable only for 3.0.1.

VM Disk Read Rate (KBps)

VM disk read rate in kilobytes per second.

VM Disk Reads

Number of times disks were read by VM.

VM Disk Write Rate (KBps)

Shows the VM disk write rate in kilobytes per second.

VM Disk Writes

Shows the number of writes to disk for VM.

VM Memory Summary Metrics

The metrics in this category contain the VM Memory summary details.

Table 1-15 VM Memory Summary Metrics

Metric Description


Universal Unique Identifier (UUID) assigned to the VM.

Memory Available For VM Memory Control (KB)

Memory available for the VM Memory Control.

Memory Consumed by VM For Guest (KB)

Memory consumed by VM for a Guest.

Memory Used By VM Memory Control (KB)

Memory used by the VM Memory Control.

VM Memory Being Swapped (KB)

Amount of memory currently swapped out.

VM Memory Mapped To ESX (KB)

Amount of VM memory mapped to actual memory in ESX Server.

VM Memory Swapped In (KB)

Amount of memory that was read in from memory.

VM Memory Swapped Out (KB)

Amount of memory that was written out to memory.

VM Memory Usage (%)

This is the value of the calculation: VM Memory Used / the amount of memory configured for the VM.

VM Memory Used (KB)

Amount of memory that VM is actively using. If enough memory is not allocated to VM, VM Memory Used can be greater than VM Memory Mapped to ESX Server.

VM Overhead Memory (KB)

Amount of memory for data structures to hold information about VM.

VM Shared Memory (KB)

Summary of shared memory for the VM.

VM Swapped Memory Target (KB)

Amount of memory that vmkernel wants to be swapped.

VM Zero Memory (KB)

Zero memory for the VM.

VM Network Metrics

The metrics in this category contain the VM Network details.

Table 1-16 VM Network Metrics

Metric Description


Universal Unique Identifier (UUID) assigned to the VM.

VM Network Packets Received

Number of network packets received by VM.

VM Network Packets Transmitted

Number of network packets transmitted by VM.

VM Network Receive Rate (KBps)

Rate at which VM has received network packets.

VM Network Transmit Rate (KBps)

Rate at which VM has transmitted network packets.

VM Network Summary Metrics

The metrics in this category contain the VM Network Summary details.

Table 1-17 VM Network Summary Metrics

Metric Description


Universal Unique Identifier (UUID) assigned to the VM.

VM Network Usage (KBps)

Summation of the network usage of VMs.

VM Resource CPU Summary Metrics

The metrics in this category contains the VM Resource CPU Summary details.

Table 1-18 VM Resource CPU Summary Metrics

Metric Description


Universal Unique Identifier (UUID) assigned to the VM.

VM Active Time for CPU - Fifteen Minute Average (%)

CPU active time average percentage over 15 minutes for the VM.

VM Active Time For CPU - Fifteen Minute Peak (%)

CPU active time peak percentage over 15 minutes for the VM.

VM Active Time For CPU - Five Minute Average (%)

CPU active time average percentage over five minutes for the VM.

VM Active Time For CPU - Five Minute Peak (%)

CPU active time peak percentage over five minutes for the VM.

VM Active Time For CPU - One Minute Average (%)

CPU active time average percentage over one minute for the VM.

VM Active Time For CPU - One Minute Peak (%)

CPU active time peak percentage over one minute for the VM.

VM Runtime For CPU - Fifteen Minute Average (%)

CPU runtime average percentage over 15 minutes for the VM.

VM Runtime For CPU - Fifteen Minute Peak (%)

CPU runtime peak percentage over 15 minutes for the VM.

VM Runtime For CPU - Five Minute Average (%)

CPU runtime average percentage over five minutes for the VM.

VM Runtime For CPU - Five Minute Peak (%)

CPU runtime peak percentage over five minutes for the VM.

VM Runtime For CPU - One Minute Average (%)

CPU runtime average percentage over one minute for the VM.

VM Runtime For CPU - One Minute Peak (%)

CPU runtime peak percentage over one minute for the VM.

VM Sample Count For CPU Utilization

Sample count for VM CPU Utilization.

VM Sample Period For CPU Utilization (ms)

Sample period in milliseconds for VM CPU Utilization.

VM Scheduling Limit - Fifteen Minute Maximum (%)

Amount of time that the VM did not run because this would violate the limit resource setting of the VM (even though the VM is ready to run, it is prevented from doing so). This is for a maximum of 15 minutes.

VM Scheduling Limit - Five Minute Maximum (%)

Amount of time that the VM did not run because this would violate the limit resource setting of the VM (even though the VM is ready to run, it is prevented from doing so). This is for a maximum of five minutes.

VM Scheduling Limit - One Minute Maximum (%)

Amount of time that the VM did not run because this would violate the limit resource setting of the VM (even though the VM is ready to run, it is prevented from doing so). This is for a maximum of one minute.

VM Status Metrics

The metrics in this category contain the VM Status details.

Table 1-19 VM Status Metrics

Metric Description

Boot Time

The time when the VM was booted.


The domain of the VM.


Indicates the health of the VM. Values include Unknown, OK, problem(s) found, and potential problem(s) found.


The host on which the VM is running.


Current status of the VM. Values include On, Off, and Suspended.

Suspend Time

Time when the VM was last suspended.

Upper Bound of CPU Usage (MHz)

Current upper-bound on CPU usage. The upper-bound is based on the host the virtual machine is current running on, as well as limits configured on the virtual machine itself or any parent resource pool. Valid while the virtual machine is running.

Upper Bound of Memory Usage (MB)

Current upper-bound on memory usage. The upper-bound is based on memory configuration of the virtual machine, as well as limits configured on the virtual machine itself or any parent resource pool. Valid while the virtual machine is running.


Name of the VM.

VM System Summary Metrics

The metrics in this category contain the VM System Summary details.

Table 1-20 VM System Summary Metrics

Metric Description


Universal Unique Identifier (UUID) assigned to the VM.

VM Heartbeats

Number of heartbeats heard during the VM Uptime period. The heartbeat is a measurement of health and load of the VM.

VM Uptime (days)

The duration for which the VM has been running since the last startup.

VM Virtual CPU Metrics

The metrics in this category contain the VM Virtual CPU details.

Table 1-21 VM Virtual CPU Metrics

Metric Description


Universal Unique Identifier (UUID) assigned to the VM.

VM Virtual CPU Extra Time (ms)

CPU time that is extra.

VM Virtual CPU Guaranteed Time (ms)

CPU time that is guaranteed.

VM Virtual CPU Time For System Processes (ms)

CPU time spent on system processes.

VM Virtual CPU Time Spent In Ready State (ms)

Milliseconds that the VM is ready to execute instructions, but cannot get scheduled on a CPU.

VM Virtual CPU Time Spent In Wait State (ms)

CPU time spent on wait state.

VM Virtual CPU Usage (MHz)

The average VM virtual CPU usage.

VM Virtual CPU Used (ms)

CPU time that is used.