Oracle® Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition Deployment Guide > Deploying Oracle Business Intelligence for High Availability > Configuration of Oracle BI Components for Clustering, Load Balancing, and Failover >

Configuring BI Scheduler

Before configuring the BI Scheduler for participation in the BI Cluster, you must configure BI Scheduler following the steps described in the chapter on configuring BI Scheduler in the Oracle Business Intelligence Infrastructure Installation and Configuration Guide.

The integration of BI Scheduler with BI Presentation Services requires the BI Scheduler Administrator credentials be added to the BI Presentation Services Credential Store.

  • You must update the credential store for every instance of BI Presentation Services in your deployment to store the BI Scheduler credentials, or copy the credential store with updated credentials to each BI Presentation Services machine.
  • The instanceconfig.xml file for each BI Presentation Services must specify the location of the credential store.

The Scheduler instances participate in the BI cluster in active-passive mode. That is, only one Scheduler instance processes and executes Scheduler jobs at a given time.

Use the following procedure to configure BI Scheduler on each machine that hosts this component.

Configuring BI Scheduler Installed on Windows

Use the BI Scheduler Job Manager to configure Scheduler for participation in a BI cluster.

To configure BI Scheduler installed on Windows

  1. From the Windows Start menu select Programs > Oracle Business Intelligence > Job Manager.
  2. In Job Manager, select File > Configuration Options
  3. In the Scheduler > Advanced tab of the Scheduler Configuration window, check the "Participant in Cluster" check box. The Cluster Monitor Port defaults to 9708. Change this port number as needed.
  4. In the Scheduler > General tab, set the Scheduler Script Path and Default Script Path to network shares. For example:

    Scheduler Script Path = \\FS-HOST\OracleBI\server\Scripts\Scheduler
    Default Script Path = \\FS-HOST\OracleBI\server\Scripts\Common

  5. In the iBots tab of the Scheduler Configuration window, provide a comma-separated list of the BI Presentation Services instances. For example:

    OBI Presentation Server = BI-PS-01:9710, BI-PS-02:9710

    where 9710 is the default port on which BI Presentation Services listens to RPC calls.

  6. In the Java Extension tab of the Scheduler Configuration window, provide the comma-separated list of BI Javahost instances. For example:

    Java Host Servers = BI-PS-01:9810, BI-PS-02:9810

    where the default Javahost port is 9810.

Configuring BI Scheduler Installed on Linux or UNIX

The Scheduler configuration options are set using schconfig, a console-based application. On the machines where Scheduler instances are installed, in the directory OracleBI_HOME/setup, run the command schconfig:


To configure BI Scheduler installed on Linux or UNIX

  1. From the Delivers Configuration choices that appear, select 1 - Configure Scheduler.
  2. For each Scheduler Configuration Menu choice shown in the following table, select the listed parameter and configure as shown.
    Configuration Menu


    3 - Advanced

    3 - Participant in Cluster


    4 - Cluster Monitor Port

    9708 note The Cluster Monitor Port must match the <monitor port> port number specified in the SCHEDULER parameter in the NQClusterConfig.INI file.

    2 - General

    1 - Scheduler Script Path

    Shared network location for Scheduler scripts

    2 - Default Script Path

    Shared network location for default scripts


    Configure iBots

    1 - Saw Machine Name

    BI-PS-01:9710, BI-PS-02:9710. Use a comma-separated list of BI Presentation Services hosts and ports. 9710 is the default port on which BI Presentation Services listens to RPC calls.

    Java Extension


    1 - Java Host Server

    BI-PS-01:9810; BI-PS-02:9810. Use a comma-separated list of BI Javahost instances. 9810 is the default Javahost port.

  3. Select 0 to quit and save changes when prompted.
  4. Select 0 to quit the utility
Oracle® Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition Deployment Guide Copyright © 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved.