Oracle® Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition Deployment Guide > Enabling Secure Communication in Oracle Business Intelligence > Configuring Oracle Business Intelligence to Communicate Over SSL >

Configuring BI Presentation Services (Java Servlet) for Communication over SSL

The process of configuring the BI Presentation Services Plug-in (Java Servlet) deployed on a J2EE container consists of adding SSL-related entries in the web.xml file. The default version of this file is located in the directory OracleBI_HOME/web/app/WEB-INF.

The BI Presentation Services Plug-In (Java Servlet) uses a Java keystore to store certificates and keys. Use the keystore that was created in topic Creating the Java Keystore. Copy this keystore (named jobmanager.keystore in the example) to all machines where the BI Presentation Services Plug-in is deployed.

To configure the BI Presentation Services (Java Servlet) plug-in for SSL communication

  1. Open the web.xml for the analytics application deployed on your J2EE server. The file is located in the WEB-INF directory for the analytics Web application.
  2. Insert the following elements and values inside the <servlet> tag:







    <param-value><Alias of stored Certificate and key></param-value>




    <param-value><Path and file name of keystore containing certificates></param-value>




    <param-value><password for keystore></param-value>




    <param-value><Path and filename of keystore containing Certificate Authority certificates></param-value>




    <param-value><password for keystore></param-value>












    <param-value> </param-value>


    After modification, the web.xml file should appear similar to the following example:



































    <param-value> </param-value>


  3. Place a copy of the modified web.xml file in OracleBI_HOME/web/app/WEB-INF.
  4. Restart the J2EE Containers.
Oracle® Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition Deployment Guide Copyright © 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved.