Oracle® Business Intelligence Scheduler Guide > Configuring Java Job Properties for Oracle BI Scheduler >

Configuring Java Job Properties for Oracle BI Scheduler

Use the following procedure to modify the Oracle BI Scheduler Java Job properties.

NOTE:  The compiled Java class file has to exist on the Oracle BI Java Host machine before you can configure the properties.

To configure the Oracle BI Scheduler Java Job properties

  1. Access the Job Manager and click Jobs > Add New Job.

    The Add New job window appears.

  2. In the Script Type field, select Java.
  3. Specify the custom properties. For information about setting these properties, see Job Actions in Oracle BI Scheduler Job Manager.

    Example values and settings for a Java Job with the class name "sample.Test", file path "Sample", and no additional paths and parameters are included below.

    Value or Setting

    Script Type


    Class Name


    Class File (Jar File)


  4. Click OK.
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