Oracle® Business Intelligence Scheduler Guide > Configuring Oracle BI Scheduler Job Manager >

Opening Oracle BI Scheduler Job Manager under Windows

The Job Manager is the interface to Oracle BI Scheduler. When the Job Manager is opened, the BI administrator can use it to connect to, configure, and start and stop Oracle BI Scheduler, add and manage jobs, and manage job instances.

The following procedure describes how to open the Job Manager Configuration dialog box from the Oracle BI Server Administration Tool.

To open the Job Manager Configuration dialog box in Windows

  1. Open the Oracle BI Server Administration Tool.
  2. Choose Manage > Jobs from the toolbar.
  3. In the Job Manager window, choose File > Configuration Options.
  4. In the Machine Name dialog box, enter the machine name where Oracle BI Scheduler is located, and then click OK.

    The Job Manager Configuration dialog box appears.

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