Oracle® Business Intelligence Server Administration Guide > Oracle BI Administration Tool Basics >

Displaying and Updating Row Counts for Tables and Columns

When you request row counts, the Administration Tool retrieves the number of rows from the physical database for all or selected tables and columns (distinct values are retrieved for columns) and stores those values in the repository. The time this process takes depends upon the number of row counts retrieved.

When updating all row counts, the Updating Row Counts window appears while row counts are retrieved and stored. If you click Cancel, the retrieve process stops after the in-process table (and its columns) have been retrieved. Row counts include all tables and columns for which values were retrieved prior to the cancel operation.

Updating all row counts for a large repository might take a long time to complete. Therefore, you sometimes might want to update only selected table and column counts.

Row counts are not available for the following:

  • Stored Procedure object types
  • XML data sources and XML Server databases
  • Multidimensional data sources. For information about member counts, refer to Updating Member Counts.
  • Data sources that do not support the CountDistinct function, such as Microsoft Access, Microsoft Excel
  • In Online mode, Update Row Count will not work with connection pools in which the session variables :USER and :PASSWORD are set as the user name and password.

    In offline mode, the Set values for variables dialog box appears so that you can populate the session variables :USER and :PASSWORD.

  • In online mode, after importing or manually creating a physical table or column, Oracle BI Server does not recognize the new objects until you check them in. Therefore, Update Row Count will not be available in the menu until you check in these objects.

To display row counts in the Physical layer

  1. Select Tools > Options.
  2. In the General tab of the Options dialog box, select the option Show row count in physical view, and then click OK.

To update selected row counts in the Physical layer

  1. In the Physical layer, right-click a single table or column.

    You can select multiple objects and then right-click.

  2. In the shortcut menu, select Update Rowcount.

To update all row counts in the Physical layer

  1. Select Tools > Update All Row Counts.

    If the repository is open in online mode, the Check Out Objects window may open.

  2. Click Yes to check out the objects.

    Any row counts that have changed since the last update will be refreshed.

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