Siebel Analytics Platform Upgrade Guide > Performing a Siebel Analytics Platform Upgrade >

Reapplying Customized Style Sheets

Releases: Releases 7.7 and later.

This topic is a part of Performing a Siebel Analytics Platform Upgrade.

For Siebel Analytics versions 7.7 and later, new styles have been appended to the following style sheets:

  • Go.css
  • PortalBanner.css
  • PortalContent.css
  • Views.css

In these versions of Siebel Analytics, new styles and files must be added to the underlying style sheet (for example, to s_Siebel7). For complete functionality, any custom styles require similar updating. In addition, views2.css and some other files are added to the s_ directory. For custom column formatting to work properly, references to font sizes and families should also be removed from the TD styles in PortalBanner.css, PortalContent.css, Views.css.

Because of these changes to styles, review your deployment's customizations manually, reapply them, and test them thoroughly to ensure that there are no problems.

After you have tested them, but before you copy the default views.css files back to the implementation server, perform the following task on the server to clear the server caches.

To clear the server caches and restore your default views

  1. Shut down Siebel Analytics Server, Siebel Analytics Web and IIS.
  2. Remove your custom views.css from the directory where it has been installed. For example:


  3. Clear Siebel Analytics Web Server Cache:

    Delete the nQs_*.temp files in the C:\WINNT\Temp directory.

  4. Clear the Browser Cache:

    From the Internet Explorer menu, navigate to Tools > Internet Options > Settings > View Files, and delete all the files in this folder.

  5. Restore the default views.css files to the appropriate folder.
  6. Restart the Siebel Analytics Server, Siebel Analytics Web and IIS.
Siebel Analytics Platform Upgrade Guide