Oracle® Business Intelligence Applications Installation and Configuration Guide > Configuring Common Components of the Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse > Configuring Slowly Changing Dimensions >

Type I and Type II Slowly Changing Dimensions

After you have correctly identified your significant and insignificant attributes, you can configure the Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse based on the type of slowly changing dimension (SCD) that best fits your needs—Type I or Type II.

Type I Slowly Changing Dimension

A Type I SCD overwrites the column's value and is the default SCD for the Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse. Although a Type I does not maintain history, it is the simplest and fastest way to load dimension data. Type I is used when the old value of the changed dimension is not deemed important for tracking or is an historically insignificant attribute. For example, you may want to use Type I when changing incorrect values in a column.

In Figure 16, the State Name column for the supplier KMT is changed in the source table Suppliers, because it was incorrectly entered as California. When the data is loaded into the data warehouse table, no historical data is retained and the value is overwritten. If you look up supplier values for California, records for KMT do not appear; they only appear for Michigan, as they have from the beginning.

Figure 16. Type I Slowly Changing Dimension Example

Type II Slowly Changing Dimension

A Type II SCD creates another record and leaves the old record intact. Type II is the most common SCD because it allows you to track historically significant attributes. The old records point to all history prior to the latest change, and the new record maintains the most current information.

Slowly changing dimensions work in different parts of a star schema (the fact table and the dimension table). In Figure 17, shows how an extract table (SOURCE_CUSTOMERS) becomes a data warehouse dimension table (W_ORG_D). Although there are other attributes that are tracked, such as Customer Contact, in this example there is only one historically tracked attribute, Sales Territory. This attribute is of historical importance because businesses frequently compare territory statistics to determine performance and compensation. Then, if a customer changes region, the sales activity is recorded with the region that earned it.

This example deals specifically with a single day's extract, which brings in a new record for each customer. The extracted data from TS_CUSTOMERS is loaded into the target table W_ORG_D, and each record is assigned a unique primary key (ROW_WID). In the table below, change 'IA_CUSTOMERS' to W_ORG_D. Change TS_CUSTOMERS to SOURCE_CUSTOMERS.

Figure 17. Day One: The CUSTOMERS Extract and Data Warehouse Tables

However, this data is not static; the next time a data extract shows a change for your customers in W_ORG_D, the records must change. This situation occurs when slowly changing dimensions are invoked. Figure 17 shows that records for the two customers, ABC Co., and XYZ inc. have changed when compared with Figure 16. Notice that ABC's Customer Contact has changed from Mary to Jane, and XYZ's Sales Territory has changed from West to North.

As discussed earlier in this example, the Customer Contact column is historically insignificant; therefore a Type I SCD is applied and Mary is overwritten with Jane. Because the change in ABC's record was a Type I SCD, there was no reason to create a new customer record. In contrast, the change in XYZ's record shows a change of sales territory, an attribute that is historically significant. In this example, the Type II slowly changing dimension is required.

As shown in Figure 18, instead of overwriting the Sales Territory column in the XYZ's record, a new record is added, assigning a new ROW_WID, 172, to XYZ in W_ORG_D. XYZ's original record, 102, remains and is linked to all the sales that occurred when XYZ was located in the West sales territory. However, new sales records coming in are now attributed to ROW_WID 172 in the North sales territory.

Figure 18. Changes in the Customer Extract Table

Effective Dates

Effective dates specify when a record was effective. For example, if you load a new customer's address on January 10, 2003 and that customer moves locations on January 20, 2003, the address is only effective between these dates. Effective Dates are handled in the following manner:

  • If the source supplies both effective dates, these dates are used in the warehouse table.
  • If the source does not supply both the effective to and effective from dates, then the Type II logic creates effective dates.
  • If the source supplies one of the two effective dates, then you can set up the Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse to populate the missing effective dates using a wrapper mapping. This situation is discussed in this section. By default, these wrapper sessions are disabled and need to be enabled in order to be executed.

For example, in the W_ORG_D table previously discussed, XYZ moved to a new sales territory.

If your source system supplied historical data on the location changes, your table may contain a record for XYZ in the West sales territory with an effective from date of January 1, 2001 and an effective to date of January 1, 3714. If the next year your source indicates XYZ has moved to the North sales territory, then a second record is inserted with an effective from date of January 1, 2002, and an effective to date of January 1, 3714, as shown in Table 41.

Table 41. Records Before a Wrapper Session
Customer Name
Sales Territory
Customer Contact
Effective From
Effective To



















Note your first record for XYZ still shows as effective from January 1, 2001 to January 1, 3714, while a second record has been added for XYZ in the North territory with the new effective from date of January 1, 2002. In this second record the effective to date remains the same, January 1, 3714.

When you schedule a wrapper session to execute, the effective dates for the first XYZ are corrected (January 1, 2001-January 1, 2002), and the Current Flag is adjusted in the Analytic Data Interface (load mapping) so that only the second record (January 1, 2002-January 1, 3714) is set to Y. After the wrapper session completes its work, you have Type II information for XYZ in your data warehouse rather than two disparate records, as shown in Table 42.

Table 42. Records After a Wrapper Session
Customer Name
Sales Territory
Customer Contact
Effective From
Effective To



















In the previous paragraph, the wrapper session corrected the effective to dates and current flag. However, if the record's dates had been correct, the wrapper mapping would simply have set the current flag as needed, because its logic is set to check dates and flags and only adjust columns that contain discrepancies. Finally, if your source system does not supply any Type II information, you may disable the wrapper session completely; in this case all Type II work is handled by the Analytics Data Interface mapplet.

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