Contents for AquaLogic .NET Portlet Toolkit WSRP Development Guide

BEA Documentation and Resources

Authoring WSRP Portlets

Authoring WSRP Portlets Using the .NET Portlet Toolkit

Creating a WSRP Portlet Using the .NET Portlet Toolkit

Manipulating WSRP Properties Using the .NET Portlet Toolkit

Accessing User Profile Information Using the .NET Portlet Toolkit

Implementing WSRP Portlet Modes Using the .NET Portlet Toolkit

Implementing WSRP Portlet Window States Using the .NET Portlet Toolkit

Accessing WSRP Consumer Registration Information Using the .NET Portlet Toolkit

Localizing WSRP Portlet Metadata

Logging .NET Application Accelerator Activity

Configuring WSRP Portlet in WebLogic Portal

Consuming a .NET WSRP Portlet in WebLogic Portal

Managing SSO Authentication with WebLogic Portal

Using SAML Token Authentication with WebLogic Portal

Using UNT Authentication with WebLogic Portal

Debugging WSRP Portlets

Configuring the WSRP Producer

Configuring WSRP Producer Service URLs (WSRPService.wsdl)

Registering a Portlet with the WSRP Producer

WSRP Producer Configuration Elements (wsrp-producer.xml)